Thursday, September 27, 2007
Still sick
I'm still sick :(
Horrible day at work as I've got a full day class.. sniffing here and there plus my eye's really watery :(
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I was looking forward to watch it as I've read reviews that mentioned Hairspray's the new-age Grease. I had that expectation going into the cinema and boy, I loved it!
It was not just a pure musical chick flick (although I have to say guys would probably not enjoy it as much since there weren't any hot chicks....), but it's also comical throughout the movie.

I kept laughing like a mad woman watching John Travolta acting as a fat uptight woman, plus it's also entertaining on how the songs and actions were put together.

And of course, who could forget Zac Efron! According to reporters, he's the new generation of Hollywood's IT guy and I have to agree with them after watching him in hairspray. If only I was 18 again.. LOL.
Cute *dreamy*
I blog once a week now!
Have been so busy with work, facebook and being sick. Have had this lingering flu & sorethroat for 3 days already and it doesn't seemed to be getting better :(
Anyway, I've got some cute pics I took of my dogs yesterday WITH the moon as it was also mooncake festival. Somehow my parents were so 'semangat' that they actually put up 9 lanterns around the garden area last night!
Will try and get it up tmr :)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Bestie Quality Time!
Anyway, enough of wedding post for now.
I had a productive + bestie-quality time last weekend with my one and only Jessie Bessie!
Saturday, 15th Sept
- We met up with my hotel's wedding planner to finalise on some items such as table settings, std flowers, timing of events & things which I need to inform the hotel before my wedding day
- Popped in the florist which the hotel recommended and decided on the type of deco for the garden & the ballroom. Man, these stuffs aren't cheap at all! :(
- Had our super-late lunch in my car, while driving to KL to meet up with Khim, who is choosing her evening gown & finalising her pre-wed album at The Touch bridal studio. Khim's also getting married in Dec - me early Dec, she late Dec! :)
- Had our super-late dinner at Izzi @ Lot 10 area. Super good food where the food somehow taste nicer knowing we have a 50% off the food price (promo)
- Drove back with Jess to her place, freshen up and went to Tesco Puchong around 12am
- Stayed over at Jess' place that nite where I tried her mum's BRAND NEW massage chair from Panasonic and shit, it's freaking good! I didn't want to get out of the chair......
- Chit Chat with Jess till we fell asleep..... that was around 4ish.....
Jess' carpet dogs
Sunday, 16th Sept
- Woke up around 12ish. Hey, it's only 8 hrs of sleep ok! :P
- While I lingered around the TV area, Jess cooked for me her super-yummylicious fried Lou-shue-fun! :)``
- After lunch, we went for foot reflexology at Endah Parade... RM30 for 1 hr. It's not as relaxing as I thought it would be, have got heaps of areas which hurt badly during the massage. I was checking out the 'foot' chart and saw that my weak areas are mainly my lower abdomen :(
I went back home after that as Jess had her facial appointment and me, well, I had an appoinment with Kimi Raikkonen ;)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Guest list
Those that made it in the total headcount-estimates list:
> Relatives which includes my grandmum, aunties, uncles & cousins who are in Malaysia currently
> Good pals - those that I assumed coming since they ARE my good friends afterall
> 70% of parents' total guest list - Since they decided to invite almost everyone they keep in touch with, thus the only basis of my 70% is from magazines' guests attendance analysis.. *crossing fingers*
> BearyBrad's confirmed relatives & good friends
Those that I did not include in my total headcount-estimates list:
> Mostly friends and relatives whom are overseas at the moment - most of them are really responsive as they know in advance that there's no way they could make it, which I totally understand
I wanted to avoid a scenario where I might end up with alot of empty seats even after the guest confirmed their attendance i.e. pull out last minute due to the rain etc. Scenario as such would probably happen if the guest is not close to you at all.... so I decided to keep my list small, i.e. to the minimum hotel's table requirement as I don't really fancy a big wedding.
The portion that I SERIOUSLY forgot to consider is that there might be some other important event which my guests (who made it on my estimate list) need to attend on the very same day!
Or perhaps they have scheduled a holiday during that period etc... I should have applied the 30% cannot-make-it rule to my total list as well, not just on my parents, as I have got about 3 good friends whom cannot make it already! Sigh.
It's kinda heart breaking to hear your 'good' friends telling you they cannot attend as they've got something else on. I guess it pretty much tells you where you stand in their lives!
Well Mandy, breathe in, breathe out... everything happens for a reason, right?
Would you still hire them?
So fine. Me and Jess were at the bar 30 mins earlier but we didn't see the band lead till like 5 mins before her performance. She then hand gestured that she'll meet us after the 1st set of performance. The band performed for 45 mins and then all of them went downstairs with exception for the band lead. The band lead grabbed her bag, took some drinks from the bar and then left without even saying a single word to me nor Jess!
Both of us were like "what the ??", so I called her and asked about our 'meeting'. She then only told me that the band had to rush to this venue (their next day's performance) for 30 mins and asked if I could stay till she's back AND after she's done with her 2nd set of performance!
I told her some other day then. Me and Jess were kinda pissed coz she didn't have the courtesy to even come over right after her performance and inform us. Nothing, until I called her back!
My dilemma is that they are pretty good as in most of them could play a music equipment AND sing plus their pricing's reasonable as well, whereas most of the other bands I've checked out so far has only centralised on 1 vocalist plus even pricier....
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Friday, September 14, 2007
What are these people thinking about???
We'll probably see this then..........
Monday, September 10, 2007
Emotional Me
<> Jam to work - I'm usually in a smiley mood hearing Rudy & JJ, the morning crew's silly jokes. Most of the time I'll let ppl 'cut' my queue IF they have their signals on. Otherwise I'll just pretend like I didn't see anything where I'm like 10cm behind the car in front of me.... *whistle*
<> Jam going back home - As 99.9% I drive back home after 7.30pm (yes, it'll still be jam!), I'm usually in a 'alone' mood. I tend to do alot of 'life's reflections' when I'm alone in my car while listening to my fav CDs. Lately, it seems to be Andrea Bocelli & James Morrison.

I love all kinds of music - from R&B to hipHop to pop to rock to country to oldies to chill out tracks etc, depending on my mood.
Andrea Bocelli's doing a pretty neat job in keeping me sane these days!

Planning a wedding where I need to bear in mind of both my hubby's and parents' tastes, as well as a budget is not easy. Seriously.
Some friends told me 'screw it and just do it your way' whereas some say 'weddings are not just about the couple'. But of course, at the end of the day when your parents are not talking to you after arguing about a decision you've made, you'll just tend to put out the white flag and surrender. Give them whatever they want and at the end of the day, just put up a fake smile and force yourself to like the idea...
Sigh - I AM STRESSED! I think I need Alanis Morisette & Linkin Park while driving back later....
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Lazy, Busy & Sick!
Sorry for not blogging the past week. I had a lazy moment (merdeka weekend), and then a busy moment (at work of course) and now a sick moment (crappy weather)!
Oh, and Adrian recently introduced me to Facebook and thus I kinda got addicted to it... so blame it on Adrian that I've got another activity to work on!
Will be back soon when I'm back on my feet again. Prolly heaps to blog next week as I've got some band appoinments, gown fittings & a girly nite this weekend :)