She said that it's not good because black and white denotes sadness and since weddings' a happy occasion, I should have more colors... esp RED.
Yeah, my mum is really traditional. She believes in 'feng shui' and those kinda thing.
I gave her a crystal bracelet for her birthday a few yrs back. Just last week, we passed by a crystal shop in a shopping mall and I asked her about that bracelet. She mentioned that Crystals 'do not agree' with her. She wore it a couple of times when I first bought it, but so happened that she got robbed on the day she wore it then (got robbed while loading her shopping goodies in the car with my dad in TESCO Puchong). Thus she never wore it ever since...
Uh-huh. I don't know how she could conclude that but well, that's my mum! Hmm.. that reminds me, maybe I should take the bracelet from her since she's no longer wearing it... hee heee.....
Anyway, back to my pre-wedding album. Well, I chose to ignore her advice as me and Beary have already chose which photos to go Black and White etc. And I can't be jumping around based on every comments that I receive right?
I've learnt my lessons coz sad to say but my mum did cause a couple of arguments between me and Bear. I really need to learn to put my foot down (esp if it's petty matters) coz afterall, it's Beary & my wedding and that we're paying for every cent of it.
And in this case, it's just PHOTOS afterall............ not like I'm choosing a black wedding gown, or black color flowers or...........
Take a look at these 2 photos below. Can you really blame us for choosing it in Black and White? I don't think 'color' will give us the same impact. In my opinion, black and white photo has a class of its own if the setting and tone is right for it.
What do you think?
Black and White gives a different feel. A different look. It can be really beautiful.
My point exactly! But my mum don't think so :(
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