He's always so FOS (Full Of Shit). Really missed his crappiness when he was not around!
Am feeling so sleepy. Weather outside is definitely not helping at all! Has been raining for the past 2 hrs. Nice, breezy, sound of raindrops..... ahhhhhhhhh...
So what did I do the past 2 weeks when BearyBrad was here? Firstly, out of a rough 10 items that we had to do, unfortunately, we only managed to complete like 5 :(
Our time was spent just chilling out most of the time! (it's not my fault........)
The week of 6th August was spent mainly just hanging around doing 'couple stuffs' and of course since CoolDude was here as well, we spent time chilling out with her and her kids as well. Brought the kids for ice-cream and Keri to shop for her birthday prezzy since it was also Keri's birthday on the 10th Aug.
Well, nothing beats hanging around with people whom you love heaps!
And oh, My kwai-lo fiance also had his FIRST taste of DURIAN! Such a historical moment.
2.5yrs of dating a Malaysian and he finally had the courage to try his first durian. YES, it took me THAT long to convince him to try a durian.
My parents gave him a small portion, probably 1 spoon full of just the fruit without the seed. Beary took a bite, went in the kitchen and I saw a tear coming out from his eyes!!!
Man, it felt like we were torturing him to eat a dead rat or something!
So I guess that's the first AND the last time a durian would ever be in Beary's mouth?
Alrighty, gotta get back to work. Heaps to blog though, so be patient!
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