Monday, January 28, 2008

My first time . . .

There's always a first in everything that you do. And yesterday, it truly was my first time. It gave me a soothing feeling... was so relaxed... chilled... at times it was cooling against my warm skin and the slippery feel of her fingers rubbing against me, my face... YES, it was my first time doing a facial!

After donkey years of not caring much for my skin, I've finally went on and tried a facial. My mum keep bugging me, 'you are going to step into another new decade of your life... you better take care of your skin otherwise you'll look so old by 35.. blah blah'.

Although I really enjoyed the 1 hr 40 minutes of face pampering, I have to say that it's quite a price to pay for women to maintain her 'beauty'. I'm so not used to spending money for beauty, such as spending on make-ups, face creams, facials.. it's a bomb out of my pocket! I rather take the money and spend it on tangible assets. Stuffs that I can see and own at the end of the day.

One things for sure - 1 facial session can't do much for one's face. I don't really feel different today, with exception a small reddish itchy lump on my right eye-bag area today and my guess' that my skin's just not used to the products they used. Especially my eye area. It's a tough one to please! I've always had sensitive skin since young, and although my eye dark circle's getting worse these days (from all the late nites when I was younger... ah, those were the days) I can't use any cream etc as I'll just get these itchy lumps and only dettol cream could cure it in a day or 2's time.

I did however purchase another of their package which includes some eye treatment thingy. We'll see how it goes... darn the ageing effect on women!

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