Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's all about the hair

I had different shades of brown highlights for the past 10 years of my life and most of the time, not many people seemed to notice. But since last week when I colored my hair blackish, few people were surprised and said they couldn’t recognise me! *puzzled*

Me: *waving on the escalator to a colleague, F, who was waiting below the escalator for his friends for lunch*
F: *looked through me and looked away and then looked back, puzzled*
Me: *wave more aggresively and at this moment, was about 5 footsteps away from him*
F: OMG! I couldn’t recognise you! I thought you were waving to someone behind me! You colored your hair black!!
Me: Err.. Yeah...
F: Why??
Me: For a change I guess? Haven’t had black hair since secondary school!
F: *look at me funnily*

Okay.. I don’t know if that means good or bad, I guess some liked it, some didn’t. But weirdly, I love it! I think that I definitely look more innocent now, maybe cause it brings me back to my school days. Not to say that I was that innocent then, but well, I just forgot how I looked like with black hair. My natural hair color’s not this black, but well, I seriously like it.
Not only it makes my hair look healthier, I think I look kinda fierce and asianese.

Haha.. Asianese! Yes. I am Asian afterall and I am proud of it!
I was just telling another colleague that it’s weird how people find me weird with black hair while I thought asians were supposed to look ‘natural’ with black hair!

Few colleagues told me I look like a chinese doll. To top it up, I accidently cut my fringe abit too short, so err.. Yeah, it helped with the chinese doll look! Hubby wasn’t as estatic with my decision of going black. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the fact that his mum has pure black hair. But these days he tend to greet me in sms "how’s my asian wifey" or "how’s my chinese wifey".

Hubbii has always liked me with brownish hair, probably because that was how I looked like when he first saw me where he fell head over heels. Love at first sight. Now, I’ve taken away that image from him and he’s not exactly happy about it!
He said my black hair reminds him of his mum, since his mum had black hair her whole life.

Errr... not sure if it's a good sign for your husband to tell you that you remind him of his mum?? Should I be worried? Hmm.
Anyway, hubbii will be here this Thursday for 5 days, guess I'll know whether I should be worried or not then... *grin*

Happy Easter, everyone!

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