Friday, April 18, 2008

My Blog totally needs a revamp

I think my blog needs to be revamped.

It should probably be named "the once in a blue moon blogger" and I should put an astronaut photo or something like that at the top header. Even my chatbox thingy expired. Geez.

Oh well. So what have I been up to? Well, nothing much except catching up with friends since I knew of my move status. And that is causing my waist-line to expand since it's mostly lunch or dinner or drinks gathering!

I'm really taking my time in terms of settling stuffs, coming up with a checklist of what to do etc. Ok Ok, I really need to get the ball rolling and start thinking bout what stuffs to bring etc. I'm such a last min gal.. can just see how rushing things are gonna be a week before my move!

I'll be flying off to Aust on May 8th. Preferably wouldn't want anyone but my parents to send me off, as I would probably be in a total mess even with just my parents in the airport :(

Nevertheless, I'll have so much to blog about when I'm in Aust! I would probably blog more when I'm in Sydney since everything closes early. No late nite shoppings except for Thursday. Darn.

Hubbii just got a place, Aussies call it an 'executive apartment' as it's just 2 floors - we're occupying the top floor which I have to admit is really NICE! Then again, for the price that we're paying, it better be.........

I'll blog with photos soon of the empty apartment, where you'll see deco-master Mandy giving it a transformation (could she possible give the Queer Eye guys a run for their money? Hmm) and volla! Oh wait, then again, hubbii does have a history of 'bad' taste when it comes to deco. In fact, most guys do! So it's going to be my persuasion skills Vs hubBii's stubbornness.

We'll just have to see.......


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i genuinely enjoy your own posting taste, very charming,
don't give up and keep writing simply because it just simply well worth to follow it,
excited to see much of your own stories, have a good day ;)