Monday, April 28, 2008

This is it!

I'm official categorised under the unemployed section.

No more waking up at 7.45am everyday! Well, at least till I find a new job down-under!
1.5 weeks to go till my big move. I can't believe how fast time's flew by. It has been 5 mths since my wedding, and now, finally my move.

me @ office on my last day of work

Sadly, I didn't really get any farewell lunch or dinner from my boss prior to my leave. I understand that it's a busy month end closing but hey, I think they should at least do something for someone who's been with the company for 7yrs! Good thing is I had separate lunches with close colleagues. Guess that's what matters ey? Not quantity of people but the quality.

Also, my singapore team sent me flowers - sweet of them! I really didn't expect that and I think my boss was kinda 'shy' when he saw that my Singapore team did something for me, but nothing from his dept. Oh well.

So what did I do today, being the 1st day of my unemployment?
Well, I slept almost the whole day! Man, I can really fall into the hibernate category. I really wonder if I was a bear or similar in my previous life.. HMmmm.

Oh, and YES, I chopped my hair off. Was bored of my long hair. I actually wanted something funky like Rhianna's but my hair stylist ended up giving me a school girl bob-cut! :( *SIGH*
Hubbii wasn't happy at all. Since he had not seen me with short hair, and he being a typical i-love-long-hair-girls kinda guy, he said I look weird. And complained saying now ppl will think that he married an underage gal! blah blah.... somehow I just can't be bothered of what he thinks these days. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that we're married.. haha.

Oh well, it's just hair. It'll grow and I WILL get my funky hair style soon!


Eng Seng said...

Did you still manage to go for the blood donation?

Anonymous said...

you go girl!!!

see u on monday!

Anonymous said...

*smack* notty evil duo...

I'll miss you! *hugs*
Have a fabulous married life with your hubbii (in your words. Stay fun and beautiful!

evil duo

Mandy Langdon said...

My evil half,
Thanks dearie.. sad that we didn't get to meet before I cabut but well, who knows, I might be back in 6 mths time for a while since I have heaps of stuffs still back home! eheh :P

Your evil half

Mandy Langdon said...

Eng Seng, nopey.. didn't go for the blood donation. Think I was having back to back meetings that day, plus it was my last day in office or so if I"m not mistaken!

And oh, I'm also scared of needles :P