Was talking to Encik Mulut-Manis (he might want to remain anonymous thus I won't mention his name here) on MSN the other day and he said it's a sad time for 'mankind' ever since I stopped blogging. Hmm. Expressive, isn't he? With such guilt (mankind!), I decided to visit my blog again and pen down few words.
And guess what? I found out that I couldn't view my edit taskbar previously due to my extinct IE version where it's now working well with Mozilla Firefox! So erm.. yeah, USER error previously. Oops. Me bad. Someone said Women and Computers = Disaster. Looks like I fall into that category in bringing shame to my fellow sisters on Earth.
OK, putting aside my pathetic excuse for not blogging, life's been pretty boring here in Aussie land. As it was winter (June-Aug), weather was not much of a help to excite my life here since all I feel like doing is sitting in front of my heater! 11 days into spring now, but the weather's still pretty much unchanged. News reported that this yr's the coldest winter in 34 yrs and we had several coldest-day-in-xxx yrs as well this month where the temperature here is way below average.
Winter @ Kiama
My typical week for the past few weeks besides working:
<> Monday - Back from work, Cook, watch project runway from 8.30-9.30pm and then read magazines if there's no other interesting TV programs to watch
<> Tuesday - Back from work, Cook, watch American Top Model from 7.30-8.30pm and then Australian's model search and then Beauty and the Geek.
<> Wednesday - Back from work, Cook, watch So you think you can Dance (season 4) America (My fav program of the whole week!) and then loiter around and play with Chooey and Hubbii.. hehe..
<> Thursday - Back from work, then out for late night shopping. Shops close at 9pm once a week, so have to take the opportunity to shop!
<> Friday - Back from work, usually go to in-law's place for dinner and then it's hubbii's footy nite. Footy games from 7.30-10.30pm. I'm usually asleep on the sofa by 10pm and hubbii will wake me up or carry me to bed if I'm too sleepy to move
<> Saturday - Sleep till 11am, then out to shops for more shopping. We usually explore different shopping malls on Saturdays and catch a movie at nite too, or meet up with Brad's friends.
<> Sunday - Sleep till 11am (hubbii has footy till 11am), then out to buy house necessities or clean the house and then go to church. Usually dinner with in-laws too.
Domestic life, ain't it?
Me pushing the litehse at Kiama - this was in July BTW
Yeah, too domestic that I'm getting bored and building up fats! I guess life would probably be better when the weather's warmer.. then we can go chill out at the beach and watch hot bods running around, playing frisbees etc. Ah. Can't wait!
It's not an ugly rock. Check out the next photo on what it could do....
I told hubbii last month that I need a break. So we decided to take a short break next month, we're heading to Auckland! My mum in-law is actually from NZ thus she'll be going over to visit her siblings next month in time for 1 of the relatives' 50th marriage anniversary party so we decided to tag along.
Imagine, married for 50 years! I find that it's a blessing for any couples who could reach 50 yrs together not just because they could tolerate each other and stick to their wedding vows, but more on the fact that both are still alive then! With the current trend of one's life span, I'd be happy if I could reach 70 healthily!
Maybe it's something about the life quality in NZ.. 1 of Brad's aunt's still healthy at the age of 92 - she's living by her own! *salute*
It squirts! hehe.. this is the BLOWHOLE at Kiama
Besides looking forward to warmer weather and my Auckland trip, I'm sooooo looking forward to going back to M'sia next year during chinese new year. Yes people, I'll be back for about 3 weeks! Am looking at spending quality time with my parents, loitering around at shops, visiting friends and relatives, eating all my fav local food (YUM YUM, I could just start writing the list of stuffs that I wanna eat already!), spending time with my doggies for about 1.5 weeks and then work from the M'sian office for the other 1.5 weeks.
Am counting down the days!
hehe, missing msian food eh ;)
Yeah, BIG time!! :D
I'm also gonna make my parents cook me my fav food! hehe
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