Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Of cards and such

Time flies, it's close to 1+mth to my wedding!

My ex-boss asked me if I am excited that my wedding's getting closer day by day. Well, I never really thought about it as I was so busy just chasing my uncle for the cards, deciding on the band, and calling up people to ask if they can do this and that the past few days - all on top of my busy schedule at work.

My cards were supposed to be ready early this month but somehow, there were some hiccups and after much dilly-dally (not from me), I just received my cards last friday. BUT I received it without the envelope. Yes, I was told that they didn't have stock of the color that I wanted and thus only got my envelopes yesterday. It's way overdue as I had to send some over to BearyBrad too so I spent 2 hrs last night writing all the cards to my friends and colleagues., especially those which I need to post to.
Was supposed to work on a project last night, but couldn't so this morning I was way behind schedule :(

And now, I'm still in office just starting on the project that I was supposed to have completed by 5.30pm. It's now 9.32pm.

Sigh. It's gonna be a long night..........

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