Simba's the best dog that I've ever had my in whole entire life on planet earth.
No, I have not been to any other planet so err yea, I'm referring to the WHOLE universe!
3 years ago today, was truly an unbelievable day. Simba left us without giving us any signs - my mum just found him without a single breath, lying really still at his usual spot in front of our main door when she came back from work. Simba's tail would usually be wagging left and right with excitement when he hears our car's engine from few meters away - but not 3 yrs ago on this very day.
Simba's really a loving dog, baby, friend & father.
He's really obedient. I didn't have to yell at him to make him enter his kennel - it's like a 'silent' command that he reads from my expression.
He is my little baby that I would hug and kiss everyday - He loves to be loved, and he will take every opportunity to sit on my lap when I'm 'seated' at his 'territory'.
He is my friend as he's always around when I need someone to 'lend' a ear.. I love taking little moments just walking around my garden where Simba will follow me around whenever I'm sad. It's as though he understood my feelings.
He is a loving father as he always played with & looked out for his puppies when they were learning to walk etc.
And Simba loved taking photos too! Believe it or not, he gets really excited when he sees me walking around with my camera where he will 'pose' freely for me!
This last photo was taken 3 days before his death - he wanted to be in the photo although we didn't intend to include him in :(
Blogging about Simba just brings tears to my eyes.
Truly, I miss him heaps.
May his soul rest in peace..
Simba, I love you :(
omg..i'm tearing too :(
yeah, Simba's a super duper cute obedient doggie :(
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