Monday, April 28, 2008

This is it!

I'm official categorised under the unemployed section.

No more waking up at 7.45am everyday! Well, at least till I find a new job down-under!
1.5 weeks to go till my big move. I can't believe how fast time's flew by. It has been 5 mths since my wedding, and now, finally my move.

me @ office on my last day of work

Sadly, I didn't really get any farewell lunch or dinner from my boss prior to my leave. I understand that it's a busy month end closing but hey, I think they should at least do something for someone who's been with the company for 7yrs! Good thing is I had separate lunches with close colleagues. Guess that's what matters ey? Not quantity of people but the quality.

Also, my singapore team sent me flowers - sweet of them! I really didn't expect that and I think my boss was kinda 'shy' when he saw that my Singapore team did something for me, but nothing from his dept. Oh well.

So what did I do today, being the 1st day of my unemployment?
Well, I slept almost the whole day! Man, I can really fall into the hibernate category. I really wonder if I was a bear or similar in my previous life.. HMmmm.

Oh, and YES, I chopped my hair off. Was bored of my long hair. I actually wanted something funky like Rhianna's but my hair stylist ended up giving me a school girl bob-cut! :( *SIGH*
Hubbii wasn't happy at all. Since he had not seen me with short hair, and he being a typical i-love-long-hair-girls kinda guy, he said I look weird. And complained saying now ppl will think that he married an underage gal! blah blah.... somehow I just can't be bothered of what he thinks these days. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that we're married.. haha.

Oh well, it's just hair. It'll grow and I WILL get my funky hair style soon!

Friday, April 18, 2008

My Blog totally needs a revamp

I think my blog needs to be revamped.

It should probably be named "the once in a blue moon blogger" and I should put an astronaut photo or something like that at the top header. Even my chatbox thingy expired. Geez.

Oh well. So what have I been up to? Well, nothing much except catching up with friends since I knew of my move status. And that is causing my waist-line to expand since it's mostly lunch or dinner or drinks gathering!

I'm really taking my time in terms of settling stuffs, coming up with a checklist of what to do etc. Ok Ok, I really need to get the ball rolling and start thinking bout what stuffs to bring etc. I'm such a last min gal.. can just see how rushing things are gonna be a week before my move!

I'll be flying off to Aust on May 8th. Preferably wouldn't want anyone but my parents to send me off, as I would probably be in a total mess even with just my parents in the airport :(

Nevertheless, I'll have so much to blog about when I'm in Aust! I would probably blog more when I'm in Sydney since everything closes early. No late nite shoppings except for Thursday. Darn.

Hubbii just got a place, Aussies call it an 'executive apartment' as it's just 2 floors - we're occupying the top floor which I have to admit is really NICE! Then again, for the price that we're paying, it better be.........

I'll blog with photos soon of the empty apartment, where you'll see deco-master Mandy giving it a transformation (could she possible give the Queer Eye guys a run for their money? Hmm) and volla! Oh wait, then again, hubbii does have a history of 'bad' taste when it comes to deco. In fact, most guys do! So it's going to be my persuasion skills Vs hubBii's stubbornness.

We'll just have to see.......