It’s tough when you have a specific budget to adhere to.
It’s tough because it’s not just photos of yourself, it’s photos of yourself PLUS your partner and that you need to chop off from 250 photos to 56 photos.
That’s tougher than cutting down on what shoes to buy at the end of the day!

We were at the bridal studio around 6.45pm last Thursday to view & choose our photos. We had to cramp everything within the 3 days since we were going to leave for Singapore on Friday-Sunday where Bear will be leaving Msia on Monday. Speaking of which, he requested for a 10pm flight, but they issued him a 10AM flight instead! He only noticed the fight times when he was checking his ticket & passport that week, but couldn’t change the time since it was a promotional fare. GUYS. sigh.
Oops, diverted.. Hehe.. Ok, back to the choosing photos episode...
There were over 250 shots finalised by the photographer - 6 different gowns, different looks, different areas in the studios and outdoor at Putrajaya. The package we took offered us 56 different poses. But listening to my friends, all of them told me to allocate a few $ for additional photos. So, I told beary, the most we could go with is total of 72 photos i.e. 16 additionals. He said OK.
We started by viewing the studio photos. I’m not a big fan of ‘formal’ poses but Beary is, so I was not jumping out of my seat when I saw the first few sets of the studio photos. Majority of it which I didn’t quite like, beary loved it and vice versa. So for those scenarios, we kept the photos in during the 1st round. Quite a few photos were taken from my left face angle, which I don’t quite like, as I have a more defined right jaw/cheek. Oh come on, I’m sure you guys know which is your BEST side,/angle right? I didn’t bring it up to the photographer then because he IS the photographer afterall, and I thought they would know your ‘better’ side.
Then came the outdoor photos, I was like "wow!". The photos were beautiful! It was definitely worth it paying the additionals for the extra day. I looked sweet in majority of the outdoors so I didn’t have any objection when Beary wanted to delete any particular photos where he didn’t look as good. I mean it’s our pre-wedding shots afterall, right? :)
The nite shots in the light rain turned out beautiful as well! And my hair did look erm.. Sexy? Hehe. And since my gown was drenched towards the end, there was this particular side-view photo of me where my butt looked really bootilicious... SCARY! That straight away went into the trash bin!
After going through about 4 rounds, we still had 110 photos left! It was about 9.30pm then.
Beary keep saying we definitely cannot cut 40+ photos more. I told him we have to, unless he wants to end up paying a bomb. And if we do end up paying a bomb, we would probably need to cut down from our honeymoon, or even on our event photography expenses. We won’t be able to hire our ideal photographer. There were so many shots which I thought was pretty unnecessary, but Beary loved it. He wants to keep it so that the pre-wedding shots could ‘tell a story’. That came from a GUY.
So we kinda argued, and then the photographer decided to help us instead on what photos to cut. So those that I thought wasn’t good and the photographer agreed but Beary didn’t, we cut it. Beary was unhappy. He rolled his eyes giving me a silent "hey, who’s your hubby now?".
His face expression was something like that:
Hey, it's Sulky Bear!
So after debating and going through the photos, at 10.30pm, we still had 96 photos. So I gave up, and said OK to 96 photos.
That’s 40 photos more than our original package.
That’s also double our budgetted maximum amount. Sigh.
The photographer threw in some freebies given the amount that we had to pay. That’s why I always say, ‘kwai lohs’ are easier to cheat! Give them a large fries upgrade to a regular meal price, they would be more than happy.
And I regretted it the whole night. Couldn’t sleep. I know that usually if a guy’s willing to pay for things that you like, the girls would be estatic. But not me.
I mean afterall I am the ‘wedding expense controller’ and additional 40 poses' just too much! I was trying to save my fiance’s money even before we get married, but he didn’t understand and gave me a hard time. *sob*
So I spoke to Beary the very next morning and told him we need to cut at least 18 photos. He was not happy but as he knew I only had 4 hrs of sleep, he gave in. He said "just do whatever that makes you happy". Yes, he put me in the spot instead so heck, I just took his offer.
We went to the studio right after lunch since our bus to Singapore was at 5.30pm. My parents came along this time as they were going to send us to the bus station.
It’s funny when my parents gave their opinion. You can really tell on the generation gap! They didn’t quite like some of the kissey kiseey photos and of course the black&whites and sepia photos. But they liked the formal boring ones. Hmm.
But if you ask me, I think my dad was more ‘uptodate’ than my mum. He is always the cool one between the both of them! :)
The photographer told me that he will be able to stick to the ‘upgrades’ with us chopping off max of 15 photos. So I took his offer up. And yes, we ended up with 81 photos in total.
So... Did anyone beat 81 poses? Enlighten me!
I guess at the end of this whole thing, I’m actually glad that it rained. If it did not, we would probably have more to choose from the sunset photos. Now THAT, would definitely make us stay till 12am that nite.
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