Let's see, I watched 3 movies overall... my target was 5 but 2 of the bloody DVDs had problems. Well, good thing about it is now I know which DVD sellers are my reliable source for DVDs now.. hehe.
Also, my mum was home whole Sunday, so we had to compromise who gets to book the TV at what time. Don't ask me why we have to do that although we have 4 TVs at home...........
Pan's Labyrinth - I loved the movie! It's like an adult fairy-tale type of movie, definitely not for kids as it contains yucky violent scenes such as how they smashed a guy's face till he's dead, tools they used to torture someone to speak-up, 'self' sewing..... Watch it and you'll know what I mean. The show's in spanish though, but half way through the show, you'll probably forget that you're reading the subtitles in addition to watching the movie literally.

Ghost Rider - It sucked. I didn't like it. Only nice thing about it is the guy who played Nicholas cage's role when he was younger is cute. That's it.

A Lot Like Love - Predictable ending but hey, anything with Ashton Kucher, I LIKE!
He's amazing in Romantic comedies. He's anything a girl would want for a life-partner! Ashton can be goofy but sexy at the same time - not many guys have that. Most guys are either goofy and unattractive OR sexy and has the 'everyone's-looking-at-me-as-I'm-hot' attitude.
Sigh. No wonder Demi Moore's so into him.

In addition to those 3, I was supposed to watch
1) Apocalypto - Loads of ppl raved bout this movie. I saw only 10 mins of it and I have to say it got my attention. But the bloody DVD started to skip endlessly. Bugger.
I can just forsee how violent and heart warming the movie's going to be. NICE!
2) Music & Lyrics - Bad copy of DVD. It has echos in it :(
Till my next DVD marathon..... I need (yes, NEED) to watch:
1) Apocalypto
2) 300
4) Babel
mandy the lazy weekender chick
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