As mentioned in my previous blog on Part 1, we decided to pay additional to have our outdoor shoot the very next day in the morning since the chances of having rain in the morning is about 5%.
So we arrived at the bridal studio at 8am (I had to wake up at 6am!) to get my hair & make-up done and left the studio around 9.45am. I decided to go with a 'natural' look, so I told the make-up artist to just straighten my hair. That's me. I'm not an 'elaborated' person when it comes to looks, hair etc. Hell, I don't even put on make-up when I go to work most of the time! I know some of you may think it's such a waste, but hey, I'm at my most comfortable when I'm being me.. a Natural Woman! *cough*
So here's my outdoor look. I had to choose another tube gown since they didn't have any nice halters or spagetti strap gowns available then.
The weather was nice that morning. Thank God :)
We shot at several places in Putrajaya - building, bridge, garden & lake.
For 1 of the building shots, he wanted to shoot us (photos.. not gun :P ) at the steps in front of the Justice Court but so happened there was a demonstration that day from some villagers! There was around 100+ people there holding banners stating that it's unfair for the Govt to tear down their village for some new development.
So obviously the photographer's original plan was ruined, so he decided to shoot us at the building opposite instead, and I'm glad he did, as the photos turned out amazing! We even had some back shots of us walking & then kissing, with the demonstration at the far background.... it looked like people were objecting our wedding but we're far too in love to care..... I like!! hehe.
We had several lake shots too which was fun! We played with the water in the lake, had our feet in it, Beary even piggy-back me and I pretended I was flying (Disclaimer: I did not copy Kate Winslet's pose from Titanic . . )!
All in all, I had fun. Beary had fun too. He was more comfortable during the outdoor shots and I stopped calling him 'Stiffy/Stoney' for the day...
Oh, and the weather was actually dry the whole day, even during the evening/nite not just on wednesday, but the whole week! Bugger. But hey, everything happens for a reason, right?
Stay tune for my next blog post on choosing the photos. Till then, Mandy's signing OUT.

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