It was mine & even Beary’s first photoshoot in a studio thus we really don’t quite know what to expect. Beary told me that he went for a modelling casting before, so I expected him to be more prepared than me but it ended up the other way!
I actually felt kinda natural, surprisingly! Didn’t feel ‘frozen’ at any point of time as the photographer made me feel comfy. Plus I think it has a lot to do with the make-up and hair do! It was my 1st being pampered in terms of having someone to put on some make-up for me (my eye-bags dissapeared..), and straighten/curl/tie my hair without me telling her what style I’m looking for (I’m usually extremely unadventurous when it comes to hair-dos), and helped me wear my gowns (All I need to do was to stand straight..). I felt like a princess!
Beary on the other hand was kinda ‘stoney’. He was actually nervous and we had to retake so many shots at the beginning as the photographer said he looked fake. Poor Beary. So I had to calm him down and told him to relax a couple of times.
But when the photographer is out of sight, he somehow changed back to being goofy and corny. Beary Beary Beary. Sigh.
So after all the make-up, here’s the first shot of us together before the photoshoot:
And us again with me in another hair-do:
Here’s me in a Chinese traditional costume (I looked like chicks from the 19th century) :
And of course, Mr Vain-pot wants some make-up too!
It was actually fun posing naturally and smiling, listening to the photographer’s intructions such as ‘chin up’, ‘Hello, where’s ur teeth?’, ‘look demure’ etc. Thus I was having so much fun! And then the unfortunate part of the whole photoshoot came.
It was around 5pm, as soon as we got into the car to drive to Putrajaya for our outdoor shoots, it started to rain! The photographer told us not to worry, as it might not be raining in Putrajaya. However, the nearer we got, the heavier the rain was :(

When we reached Putrajaya, the rain subsided but unfortunately, the sky was pretty dark and gloomy so the photographer told us that we either just take the night shots and forgo the other outdoor shoots, or pay additional and do it the next day in the morning.
Thus after discussing it, we decided to wait for 1.5 hrs for the nite shots, and retake the other outdoor the next morning. I mean hey, since we’re already paying heaps for the package, what is another few dollars?
The waiting part was interesting. We went to a foodcourt area and drank ‘mamak’ tea, ate ‘roti canai’ (both Msian indian cuisine) to wait for nite time to come, where I was still in my wedding gown.........
I had a good chat with the photographer in cantonese, as his english wasn’t that good. So most of the time Beary was left in the dark. Well Beary, that’s your lesson for not learning cantonese! I guess he was also trying to ‘create a network’ to lure me to get their event photography package too? *grin*
So finally, 7.15pm came and the sky was close to dark. I went into the toilet and changed where the bridal consultant helped me to let my hair loose, to get the ‘sexy’ look. Sexy wet look to match the bloody wet weather!
Yeah, it was drizzling at 7.40pm when we started our photoshoot, so we had our photos taken in the light rain. Stopped at about 4 locations, and by the time we’re done, my gown was drenched. My hair as well. Luckily my mascara was not ruined otherwise it’ll look like a break-up photoshoot instead of a wedding photoshoot.....
Me and Beary said to each other, "The photos better turn out great for this!!"
Great pix! :) Luv the chinese look! :P
hey evil!
oh so brad's back for the photo shoot and scoot back to Oz so soon. overall nice pics..but Brad's a bit on the thin side hehe.. look who's talking eh? :p
your wedding image... gorgeous.. just so mandyish..u know wat i mean? although the make up a bit ICI..hehe but it'll look good on the pics..make sure the moolah u spent on all these pics are well worth it!
it looks like the photo shoot was a breeze for you eh... goodie.. post more pics up!
evil half
Solo - So u like chinese chickies eh? *grin*
Evil half - Yeah, Brad lost weight just from the first few days of diarrhea. :(
I told him to postpone the photoshoot, but he doesn't want, so too bad for him!!
I'll definitely post up the final pics once I get it from the bridal studio, will probably get the softcopies by end of the mth so be patient ya? :)
So are you still taking ur APPETONS?? *GRIN*
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