I can't stand it when guys send me msgs via friendster which you can seriously tell it's a 'mass' msg i.e. the same generic note they probably send out to 101 girls.
EG 1:
Hi, My name is XX. Nice pictures you have there. Do you have MSN?
EG 2:
<starts giving a dating-agency type of introduction and then it's a must to put this sentence in:>
I will be more than happy if you would reply my mail. Hope to hear from you. My email is YY
I recently just received the SAME msg from this guy; a long essay about himself (about 15 lines in 2 paragraphs) per example #2 above. And the worse thing is he probably doesn't even realised that he sent it to me before (as I did not reply, obviously).
Well Mr, if you don't have any sincerity nor originality to write someone a msg, at least keep track of who you've sent your BIODATA to!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Me? Boring?
I just realised that I’m turning or rather have turned into a really boring person. Boring, lazy and anti-social.
Boring = Go to work, come home for dinner, watch TV, chat on phone, sleep
Lazy & Anti-social = Not going out for lunch often where I rather eat my Maggi Cup Noodles in front of my thinkpad/laptop, Not going to the gym at least once a week (now I go once a mth..), Not meeting up with friends for dinner after work, Not washing my car during weekends and the list goes on.
My bestie asked me yesterday if I’m interested to join the Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure advertised on 8TV where it also got circulated via emails. It sounded interesting and of course something that we both would love, thus I checked the website out.
After going through the registration questions, it got me thinking. And darn it, it suddenly hit me that I’ve seriously became a really boring person!
There’s this question, "What was the most outrageous thing that you did in the last 6 mths?"
My mind suddenly went blank. I could not think of ANY outrageous thing that I did.
Does watching ‘most haunted’ count? (hey, it’s a REAL ghost encounter reality show k!)
Does saying ‘yes’ to a marriage proposal count? (afterall, it’s a lifetime thingy?)
Does missing F1 Sepang count? (after not missing for 5 yrs in a row?)
Does taking photos in the rain count? (pre-wedding photos which cost heaps?)
Does argueing with your parents on who to invite to your wedding count?

Boring = Go to work, come home for dinner, watch TV, chat on phone, sleep
Lazy & Anti-social = Not going out for lunch often where I rather eat my Maggi Cup Noodles in front of my thinkpad/laptop, Not going to the gym at least once a week (now I go once a mth..), Not meeting up with friends for dinner after work, Not washing my car during weekends and the list goes on.
My bestie asked me yesterday if I’m interested to join the Nokia N95 Wireless Adventure advertised on 8TV where it also got circulated via emails. It sounded interesting and of course something that we both would love, thus I checked the website out.
After going through the registration questions, it got me thinking. And darn it, it suddenly hit me that I’ve seriously became a really boring person!
There’s this question, "What was the most outrageous thing that you did in the last 6 mths?"
My mind suddenly went blank. I could not think of ANY outrageous thing that I did.
Does watching ‘most haunted’ count? (hey, it’s a REAL ghost encounter reality show k!)
Does saying ‘yes’ to a marriage proposal count? (afterall, it’s a lifetime thingy?)
Does missing F1 Sepang count? (after not missing for 5 yrs in a row?)
Does taking photos in the rain count? (pre-wedding photos which cost heaps?)
Does argueing with your parents on who to invite to your wedding count?
Monday, April 23, 2007
Dvd Marathon Weekend
I planned for a superlazy weekend at home when I was chatting with Beary last week. Yes, I planned for my movie marathon weekend way ahead! Gone were the days where I planned where to party and with who etc... Pathetic but I guess it comes with the age? *grin*
Let's see, I watched 3 movies overall... my target was 5 but 2 of the bloody DVDs had problems. Well, good thing about it is now I know which DVD sellers are my reliable source for DVDs now.. hehe.
Also, my mum was home whole Sunday, so we had to compromise who gets to book the TV at what time. Don't ask me why we have to do that although we have 4 TVs at home...........
Pan's Labyrinth - I loved the movie! It's like an adult fairy-tale type of movie, definitely not for kids as it contains yucky violent scenes such as how they smashed a guy's face till he's dead, tools they used to torture someone to speak-up, 'self' sewing..... Watch it and you'll know what I mean. The show's in spanish though, but half way through the show, you'll probably forget that you're reading the subtitles in addition to watching the movie literally.

Ghost Rider - It sucked. I didn't like it. Only nice thing about it is the guy who played Nicholas cage's role when he was younger is cute. That's it.

A Lot Like Love - Predictable ending but hey, anything with Ashton Kucher, I LIKE!
He's amazing in Romantic comedies. He's anything a girl would want for a life-partner! Ashton can be goofy but sexy at the same time - not many guys have that. Most guys are either goofy and unattractive OR sexy and has the 'everyone's-looking-at-me-as-I'm-hot' attitude.
Sigh. No wonder Demi Moore's so into him.

In addition to those 3, I was supposed to watch
1) Apocalypto - Loads of ppl raved bout this movie. I saw only 10 mins of it and I have to say it got my attention. But the bloody DVD started to skip endlessly. Bugger.
I can just forsee how violent and heart warming the movie's going to be. NICE!
2) Music & Lyrics - Bad copy of DVD. It has echos in it :(
Till my next DVD marathon..... I need (yes, NEED) to watch:
1) Apocalypto
2) 300
4) Babel
mandy the lazy weekender chick
Let's see, I watched 3 movies overall... my target was 5 but 2 of the bloody DVDs had problems. Well, good thing about it is now I know which DVD sellers are my reliable source for DVDs now.. hehe.
Also, my mum was home whole Sunday, so we had to compromise who gets to book the TV at what time. Don't ask me why we have to do that although we have 4 TVs at home...........
Pan's Labyrinth - I loved the movie! It's like an adult fairy-tale type of movie, definitely not for kids as it contains yucky violent scenes such as how they smashed a guy's face till he's dead, tools they used to torture someone to speak-up, 'self' sewing..... Watch it and you'll know what I mean. The show's in spanish though, but half way through the show, you'll probably forget that you're reading the subtitles in addition to watching the movie literally.

Ghost Rider - It sucked. I didn't like it. Only nice thing about it is the guy who played Nicholas cage's role when he was younger is cute. That's it.

A Lot Like Love - Predictable ending but hey, anything with Ashton Kucher, I LIKE!
He's amazing in Romantic comedies. He's anything a girl would want for a life-partner! Ashton can be goofy but sexy at the same time - not many guys have that. Most guys are either goofy and unattractive OR sexy and has the 'everyone's-looking-at-me-as-I'm-hot' attitude.
Sigh. No wonder Demi Moore's so into him.

In addition to those 3, I was supposed to watch
1) Apocalypto - Loads of ppl raved bout this movie. I saw only 10 mins of it and I have to say it got my attention. But the bloody DVD started to skip endlessly. Bugger.
I can just forsee how violent and heart warming the movie's going to be. NICE!
2) Music & Lyrics - Bad copy of DVD. It has echos in it :(
Till my next DVD marathon..... I need (yes, NEED) to watch:
1) Apocalypto
2) 300
4) Babel
mandy the lazy weekender chick
Thursday, April 19, 2007
No more Funky Hair-Dos to look forward to
Today we say GOODBYE to Sanjaya in American Idol.. finally as some may say? Poor dude.
Anyway, I think it's for the best as alot of Americans are putting up hatred notes/statements/comments about little Sanjaya.

Err.. I am guilty, as I was actually entertained by his funky hair-dos and song choices.... I actually LOOKED forward to Sanjaya's performance every week...........
Anyway, I think it's for the best as alot of Americans are putting up hatred notes/statements/comments about little Sanjaya.

Err.. I am guilty, as I was actually entertained by his funky hair-dos and song choices.... I actually LOOKED forward to Sanjaya's performance every week...........
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Romantic, isn't he?
As Bear had been so busy with his stuffs and I was darn busy with my stuffs since he left M'sia last Monday, I told him that this time round it took us less than a week to 'mellow down' our feelings. Usually we will make an effort to chat every other night, but for the past week, we've prolly only spoken to each other twice (15-30 mins only), despite our daily sms.
I told him in a joking manner of course - but looks like he took it to heart as I have just received a big bouquet of flowers from him!
Anyhow, it has my fav blue flowers in it!

Close up:

Look, it even has some 'fur' balls in it... anyone want it for their cats? It can be recycled . . .

Isn't my Beary sweet?
So girls, if you need lessons on how to make ur guy buy u gifts/flowers, give me a buzz...
I told him in a joking manner of course - but looks like he took it to heart as I have just received a big bouquet of flowers from him!
Anyhow, it has my fav blue flowers in it!
Close up:
Look, it even has some 'fur' balls in it... anyone want it for their cats? It can be recycled . . .
Isn't my Beary sweet?
So girls, if you need lessons on how to make ur guy buy u gifts/flowers, give me a buzz...
Monday, April 16, 2007
We don't follow the crowd
We were in Singapore last weekend (6-8th April) - YES same weekend where everyone else was flocking over to KL for the Sepang F1 GP, Kanye West’s concert & of course parties parties parties. For Catholics, it was the Easter weekend as well where for some, this is the 2nd festival in the year where they’ll go to church besides Christmas.
8 of us took the Aeroline bus to Singapore, departed from One Utama shopping mall. Since me & Beary were pretty early as we were in One Utama after chopping off that 15 photos from our pre-wedding album, Beary had a go at the ING Renault F1 sepang circuit (virtual) challenge. The fastest 10 lap times (3 laps per round) will receive a mysterious prize everyday.
As usual Beary will brag that he could have done better if not for this, for that, blah blah blah. You know, the LOSERS talk....Hehe.. I could also be married to JT now if not for this and for that *grin*

Anyway, the main agenda for the Singapore trip was of course to watch the Phantom of the Opera. Maybe with all the hype and good reviews from friends, the musical play somehow didn’t quite live up to my expectations. Raul (the boyfriend)’s voice kinda flat, and the backdrop was somehow not as nice as the musicals I’ve seen in Manchester, with exception the Phantom’s dungeon. That was really cool.
And I’m not sure if it’s due to the amount of carbo I had for lunch (I had bacon and ham burger & fries from New York New York), as I actually almost dozed off in some of the unfamiliar songs with dark backgrounds . . . Beary told me he almost fell asleep as well! So.. Tough to say whether it’s the show, or the carbo... Really ... *hehe*
2nd main agenda was to shop, shop and shop? hehe.. Well, that's a fixed item in almost every female's travelling agenda! Unfortunately, I only bought like 2 tops from Roxy and 2 pair of shoes overall :(
Beary on the other hand was in a really talkative mood during the whole trip. Maybe because he found a new friend, who’s pretty similar to him! It was Chui Chui’s hubby - Jin. Both of them got along well as they both are
1) kinda crappy and FOS (full of shit) - their jokes. No comments . . . .
2) corny - I never thought I’d meet Beary’s double
3) pervertish - Mention "Clarke Quay" and the 1st thing that came to their mind is HOOTERS.

Guess who were the twins of the trip?
Would I trade my Singapore trip for F1? HmMM...
Well, guess? :P
8 of us took the Aeroline bus to Singapore, departed from One Utama shopping mall. Since me & Beary were pretty early as we were in One Utama after chopping off that 15 photos from our pre-wedding album, Beary had a go at the ING Renault F1 sepang circuit (virtual) challenge. The fastest 10 lap times (3 laps per round) will receive a mysterious prize everyday.
As usual Beary will brag that he could have done better if not for this, for that, blah blah blah. You know, the LOSERS talk....Hehe.. I could also be married to JT now if not for this and for that *grin*
Anyway, the main agenda for the Singapore trip was of course to watch the Phantom of the Opera. Maybe with all the hype and good reviews from friends, the musical play somehow didn’t quite live up to my expectations. Raul (the boyfriend)’s voice kinda flat, and the backdrop was somehow not as nice as the musicals I’ve seen in Manchester, with exception the Phantom’s dungeon. That was really cool.
And I’m not sure if it’s due to the amount of carbo I had for lunch (I had bacon and ham burger & fries from New York New York), as I actually almost dozed off in some of the unfamiliar songs with dark backgrounds . . . Beary told me he almost fell asleep as well! So.. Tough to say whether it’s the show, or the carbo... Really ... *hehe*
2nd main agenda was to shop, shop and shop? hehe.. Well, that's a fixed item in almost every female's travelling agenda! Unfortunately, I only bought like 2 tops from Roxy and 2 pair of shoes overall :(
Beary on the other hand was in a really talkative mood during the whole trip. Maybe because he found a new friend, who’s pretty similar to him! It was Chui Chui’s hubby - Jin. Both of them got along well as they both are
1) kinda crappy and FOS (full of shit) - their jokes. No comments . . . .
2) corny - I never thought I’d meet Beary’s double
3) pervertish - Mention "Clarke Quay" and the 1st thing that came to their mind is HOOTERS.

Guess who were the twins of the trip?
Would I trade my Singapore trip for F1? HmMM...
Well, guess? :P
Friday, April 13, 2007
Doing the impossible - choosing photos!
Choosing photos for our pre-wedding photo album is not an easy task. I’ve been warned before but I’ve never thought that it would be THAT tough!
It’s tough when you have a specific budget to adhere to.
It’s tough because it’s not just photos of yourself, it’s photos of yourself PLUS your partner and that you need to chop off from 250 photos to 56 photos.
That’s tougher than cutting down on what shoes to buy at the end of the day!

We were at the bridal studio around 6.45pm last Thursday to view & choose our photos. We had to cramp everything within the 3 days since we were going to leave for Singapore on Friday-Sunday where Bear will be leaving Msia on Monday. Speaking of which, he requested for a 10pm flight, but they issued him a 10AM flight instead! He only noticed the fight times when he was checking his ticket & passport that week, but couldn’t change the time since it was a promotional fare. GUYS. sigh.
Oops, diverted.. Hehe.. Ok, back to the choosing photos episode...
There were over 250 shots finalised by the photographer - 6 different gowns, different looks, different areas in the studios and outdoor at Putrajaya. The package we took offered us 56 different poses. But listening to my friends, all of them told me to allocate a few $ for additional photos. So, I told beary, the most we could go with is total of 72 photos i.e. 16 additionals. He said OK.
We started by viewing the studio photos. I’m not a big fan of ‘formal’ poses but Beary is, so I was not jumping out of my seat when I saw the first few sets of the studio photos. Majority of it which I didn’t quite like, beary loved it and vice versa. So for those scenarios, we kept the photos in during the 1st round. Quite a few photos were taken from my left face angle, which I don’t quite like, as I have a more defined right jaw/cheek. Oh come on, I’m sure you guys know which is your BEST side,/angle right? I didn’t bring it up to the photographer then because he IS the photographer afterall, and I thought they would know your ‘better’ side.
Then came the outdoor photos, I was like "wow!". The photos were beautiful! It was definitely worth it paying the additionals for the extra day. I looked sweet in majority of the outdoors so I didn’t have any objection when Beary wanted to delete any particular photos where he didn’t look as good. I mean it’s our pre-wedding shots afterall, right? :)
The nite shots in the light rain turned out beautiful as well! And my hair did look erm.. Sexy? Hehe. And since my gown was drenched towards the end, there was this particular side-view photo of me where my butt looked really bootilicious... SCARY! That straight away went into the trash bin!
After going through about 4 rounds, we still had 110 photos left! It was about 9.30pm then.
Beary keep saying we definitely cannot cut 40+ photos more. I told him we have to, unless he wants to end up paying a bomb. And if we do end up paying a bomb, we would probably need to cut down from our honeymoon, or even on our event photography expenses. We won’t be able to hire our ideal photographer. There were so many shots which I thought was pretty unnecessary, but Beary loved it. He wants to keep it so that the pre-wedding shots could ‘tell a story’. That came from a GUY.
So we kinda argued, and then the photographer decided to help us instead on what photos to cut. So those that I thought wasn’t good and the photographer agreed but Beary didn’t, we cut it. Beary was unhappy. He rolled his eyes giving me a silent "hey, who’s your hubby now?".
His face expression was something like that:

Hey, it's Sulky Bear!
So after debating and going through the photos, at 10.30pm, we still had 96 photos. So I gave up, and said OK to 96 photos.
That’s 40 photos more than our original package.
That’s also double our budgetted maximum amount. Sigh.
The photographer threw in some freebies given the amount that we had to pay. That’s why I always say, ‘kwai lohs’ are easier to cheat! Give them a large fries upgrade to a regular meal price, they would be more than happy.
And I regretted it the whole night. Couldn’t sleep. I know that usually if a guy’s willing to pay for things that you like, the girls would be estatic. But not me.
I mean afterall I am the ‘wedding expense controller’ and additional 40 poses' just too much! I was trying to save my fiance’s money even before we get married, but he didn’t understand and gave me a hard time. *sob*
So I spoke to Beary the very next morning and told him we need to cut at least 18 photos. He was not happy but as he knew I only had 4 hrs of sleep, he gave in. He said "just do whatever that makes you happy". Yes, he put me in the spot instead so heck, I just took his offer.
We went to the studio right after lunch since our bus to Singapore was at 5.30pm. My parents came along this time as they were going to send us to the bus station.
It’s funny when my parents gave their opinion. You can really tell on the generation gap! They didn’t quite like some of the kissey kiseey photos and of course the black&whites and sepia photos. But they liked the formal boring ones. Hmm.

But if you ask me, I think my dad was more ‘uptodate’ than my mum. He is always the cool one between the both of them! :)

The photographer told me that he will be able to stick to the ‘upgrades’ with us chopping off max of 15 photos. So I took his offer up. And yes, we ended up with 81 photos in total.
So... Did anyone beat 81 poses? Enlighten me!
I guess at the end of this whole thing, I’m actually glad that it rained. If it did not, we would probably have more to choose from the sunset photos. Now THAT, would definitely make us stay till 12am that nite.
It’s tough when you have a specific budget to adhere to.
It’s tough because it’s not just photos of yourself, it’s photos of yourself PLUS your partner and that you need to chop off from 250 photos to 56 photos.
That’s tougher than cutting down on what shoes to buy at the end of the day!

We were at the bridal studio around 6.45pm last Thursday to view & choose our photos. We had to cramp everything within the 3 days since we were going to leave for Singapore on Friday-Sunday where Bear will be leaving Msia on Monday. Speaking of which, he requested for a 10pm flight, but they issued him a 10AM flight instead! He only noticed the fight times when he was checking his ticket & passport that week, but couldn’t change the time since it was a promotional fare. GUYS. sigh.
Oops, diverted.. Hehe.. Ok, back to the choosing photos episode...
There were over 250 shots finalised by the photographer - 6 different gowns, different looks, different areas in the studios and outdoor at Putrajaya. The package we took offered us 56 different poses. But listening to my friends, all of them told me to allocate a few $ for additional photos. So, I told beary, the most we could go with is total of 72 photos i.e. 16 additionals. He said OK.
We started by viewing the studio photos. I’m not a big fan of ‘formal’ poses but Beary is, so I was not jumping out of my seat when I saw the first few sets of the studio photos. Majority of it which I didn’t quite like, beary loved it and vice versa. So for those scenarios, we kept the photos in during the 1st round. Quite a few photos were taken from my left face angle, which I don’t quite like, as I have a more defined right jaw/cheek. Oh come on, I’m sure you guys know which is your BEST side,/angle right? I didn’t bring it up to the photographer then because he IS the photographer afterall, and I thought they would know your ‘better’ side.
Then came the outdoor photos, I was like "wow!". The photos were beautiful! It was definitely worth it paying the additionals for the extra day. I looked sweet in majority of the outdoors so I didn’t have any objection when Beary wanted to delete any particular photos where he didn’t look as good. I mean it’s our pre-wedding shots afterall, right? :)
The nite shots in the light rain turned out beautiful as well! And my hair did look erm.. Sexy? Hehe. And since my gown was drenched towards the end, there was this particular side-view photo of me where my butt looked really bootilicious... SCARY! That straight away went into the trash bin!
After going through about 4 rounds, we still had 110 photos left! It was about 9.30pm then.
Beary keep saying we definitely cannot cut 40+ photos more. I told him we have to, unless he wants to end up paying a bomb. And if we do end up paying a bomb, we would probably need to cut down from our honeymoon, or even on our event photography expenses. We won’t be able to hire our ideal photographer. There were so many shots which I thought was pretty unnecessary, but Beary loved it. He wants to keep it so that the pre-wedding shots could ‘tell a story’. That came from a GUY.
So we kinda argued, and then the photographer decided to help us instead on what photos to cut. So those that I thought wasn’t good and the photographer agreed but Beary didn’t, we cut it. Beary was unhappy. He rolled his eyes giving me a silent "hey, who’s your hubby now?".
His face expression was something like that:
Hey, it's Sulky Bear!
So after debating and going through the photos, at 10.30pm, we still had 96 photos. So I gave up, and said OK to 96 photos.
That’s 40 photos more than our original package.
That’s also double our budgetted maximum amount. Sigh.
The photographer threw in some freebies given the amount that we had to pay. That’s why I always say, ‘kwai lohs’ are easier to cheat! Give them a large fries upgrade to a regular meal price, they would be more than happy.
And I regretted it the whole night. Couldn’t sleep. I know that usually if a guy’s willing to pay for things that you like, the girls would be estatic. But not me.
I mean afterall I am the ‘wedding expense controller’ and additional 40 poses' just too much! I was trying to save my fiance’s money even before we get married, but he didn’t understand and gave me a hard time. *sob*
So I spoke to Beary the very next morning and told him we need to cut at least 18 photos. He was not happy but as he knew I only had 4 hrs of sleep, he gave in. He said "just do whatever that makes you happy". Yes, he put me in the spot instead so heck, I just took his offer.
We went to the studio right after lunch since our bus to Singapore was at 5.30pm. My parents came along this time as they were going to send us to the bus station.
It’s funny when my parents gave their opinion. You can really tell on the generation gap! They didn’t quite like some of the kissey kiseey photos and of course the black&whites and sepia photos. But they liked the formal boring ones. Hmm.
But if you ask me, I think my dad was more ‘uptodate’ than my mum. He is always the cool one between the both of them! :)
The photographer told me that he will be able to stick to the ‘upgrades’ with us chopping off max of 15 photos. So I took his offer up. And yes, we ended up with 81 photos in total.
So... Did anyone beat 81 poses? Enlighten me!
I guess at the end of this whole thing, I’m actually glad that it rained. If it did not, we would probably have more to choose from the sunset photos. Now THAT, would definitely make us stay till 12am that nite.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Photoshoot Day - Part 2
Thank goodness I took leave from work the next day after the photoshoot, since we ended up not taking any outdoor shoots on the day itself. My original intention was really to recuperate from the photoshoot (old ladies need time-off as such!) since all of my friends whom has been through it mentioned that it's going to be REALLY tiring.
As mentioned in my previous blog on Part 1, we decided to pay additional to have our outdoor shoot the very next day in the morning since the chances of having rain in the morning is about 5%.
So we arrived at the bridal studio at 8am (I had to wake up at 6am!) to get my hair & make-up done and left the studio around 9.45am. I decided to go with a 'natural' look, so I told the make-up artist to just straighten my hair. That's me. I'm not an 'elaborated' person when it comes to looks, hair etc. Hell, I don't even put on make-up when I go to work most of the time! I know some of you may think it's such a waste, but hey, I'm at my most comfortable when I'm being me.. a Natural Woman! *cough*
So here's my outdoor look. I had to choose another tube gown since they didn't have any nice halters or spagetti strap gowns available then.

The weather was nice that morning. Thank God :)
We shot at several places in Putrajaya - building, bridge, garden & lake.
For 1 of the building shots, he wanted to shoot us (photos.. not gun :P ) at the steps in front of the Justice Court but so happened there was a demonstration that day from some villagers! There was around 100+ people there holding banners stating that it's unfair for the Govt to tear down their village for some new development.
So obviously the photographer's original plan was ruined, so he decided to shoot us at the building opposite instead, and I'm glad he did, as the photos turned out amazing! We even had some back shots of us walking & then kissing, with the demonstration at the far background.... it looked like people were objecting our wedding but we're far too in love to care..... I like!! hehe.
We had several lake shots too which was fun! We played with the water in the lake, had our feet in it, Beary even piggy-back me and I pretended I was flying (Disclaimer: I did not copy Kate Winslet's pose from Titanic . . )!
All in all, I had fun. Beary had fun too. He was more comfortable during the outdoor shots and I stopped calling him 'Stiffy/Stoney' for the day...
Oh, and the weather was actually dry the whole day, even during the evening/nite not just on wednesday, but the whole week! Bugger. But hey, everything happens for a reason, right?
Stay tune for my next blog post on choosing the photos. Till then, Mandy's signing OUT.
As mentioned in my previous blog on Part 1, we decided to pay additional to have our outdoor shoot the very next day in the morning since the chances of having rain in the morning is about 5%.
So we arrived at the bridal studio at 8am (I had to wake up at 6am!) to get my hair & make-up done and left the studio around 9.45am. I decided to go with a 'natural' look, so I told the make-up artist to just straighten my hair. That's me. I'm not an 'elaborated' person when it comes to looks, hair etc. Hell, I don't even put on make-up when I go to work most of the time! I know some of you may think it's such a waste, but hey, I'm at my most comfortable when I'm being me.. a Natural Woman! *cough*
So here's my outdoor look. I had to choose another tube gown since they didn't have any nice halters or spagetti strap gowns available then.
The weather was nice that morning. Thank God :)
We shot at several places in Putrajaya - building, bridge, garden & lake.
For 1 of the building shots, he wanted to shoot us (photos.. not gun :P ) at the steps in front of the Justice Court but so happened there was a demonstration that day from some villagers! There was around 100+ people there holding banners stating that it's unfair for the Govt to tear down their village for some new development.
So obviously the photographer's original plan was ruined, so he decided to shoot us at the building opposite instead, and I'm glad he did, as the photos turned out amazing! We even had some back shots of us walking & then kissing, with the demonstration at the far background.... it looked like people were objecting our wedding but we're far too in love to care..... I like!! hehe.
We had several lake shots too which was fun! We played with the water in the lake, had our feet in it, Beary even piggy-back me and I pretended I was flying (Disclaimer: I did not copy Kate Winslet's pose from Titanic . . )!
All in all, I had fun. Beary had fun too. He was more comfortable during the outdoor shots and I stopped calling him 'Stiffy/Stoney' for the day...
Oh, and the weather was actually dry the whole day, even during the evening/nite not just on wednesday, but the whole week! Bugger. But hey, everything happens for a reason, right?
Stay tune for my next blog post on choosing the photos. Till then, Mandy's signing OUT.

7 - 1
<> It's not my wedding date... nope nope nopes.
<> It's not 7-11's new competitor... nope nope nopes.
<> It's not the ratio of females Vs male kids that I would like to have... nope nope nopes.
So what is it my brothers & sisters, you may ask?
It's the results of the UEFA qtrfinals (2nd leg) champion league game this morning of MAN UNITED Vs ROMA, Italian's master of defence!

<> It's not 7-11's new competitor... nope nope nopes.
<> It's not the ratio of females Vs male kids that I would like to have... nope nope nopes.
So what is it my brothers & sisters, you may ask?
It's the results of the UEFA qtrfinals (2nd leg) champion league game this morning of MAN UNITED Vs ROMA, Italian's master of defence!
I can't help it. I'm sooo happy, more so after Man U's lost to Portsmouth over the weekend!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Photoshoot Day - Part 1
Our appointment was at 10am last Tuesday for our wedding studio & outdoor photoshoot.
It was mine & even Beary’s first photoshoot in a studio thus we really don’t quite know what to expect. Beary told me that he went for a modelling casting before, so I expected him to be more prepared than me but it ended up the other way!
I actually felt kinda natural, surprisingly! Didn’t feel ‘frozen’ at any point of time as the photographer made me feel comfy. Plus I think it has a lot to do with the make-up and hair do! It was my 1st being pampered in terms of having someone to put on some make-up for me (my eye-bags dissapeared..), and straighten/curl/tie my hair without me telling her what style I’m looking for (I’m usually extremely unadventurous when it comes to hair-dos), and helped me wear my gowns (All I need to do was to stand straight..). I felt like a princess!
Beary on the other hand was kinda ‘stoney’. He was actually nervous and we had to retake so many shots at the beginning as the photographer said he looked fake. Poor Beary. So I had to calm him down and told him to relax a couple of times.
But when the photographer is out of sight, he somehow changed back to being goofy and corny. Beary Beary Beary. Sigh.
So after all the make-up, here’s the first shot of us together before the photoshoot:

And us again with me in another hair-do:

Here’s me in a Chinese traditional costume (I looked like chicks from the 19th century) :

And of course, Mr Vain-pot wants some make-up too!

It was actually fun posing naturally and smiling, listening to the photographer’s intructions such as ‘chin up’, ‘Hello, where’s ur teeth?’, ‘look demure’ etc. Thus I was having so much fun! And then the unfortunate part of the whole photoshoot came.
It was around 5pm, as soon as we got into the car to drive to Putrajaya for our outdoor shoots, it started to rain! The photographer told us not to worry, as it might not be raining in Putrajaya. However, the nearer we got, the heavier the rain was :(

When we reached Putrajaya, the rain subsided but unfortunately, the sky was pretty dark and gloomy so the photographer told us that we either just take the night shots and forgo the other outdoor shoots, or pay additional and do it the next day in the morning.
Thus after discussing it, we decided to wait for 1.5 hrs for the nite shots, and retake the other outdoor the next morning. I mean hey, since we’re already paying heaps for the package, what is another few dollars?
The waiting part was interesting. We went to a foodcourt area and drank ‘mamak’ tea, ate ‘roti canai’ (both Msian indian cuisine) to wait for nite time to come, where I was still in my wedding gown.........

I had a good chat with the photographer in cantonese, as his english wasn’t that good. So most of the time Beary was left in the dark. Well Beary, that’s your lesson for not learning cantonese! I guess he was also trying to ‘create a network’ to lure me to get their event photography package too? *grin*
So finally, 7.15pm came and the sky was close to dark. I went into the toilet and changed where the bridal consultant helped me to let my hair loose, to get the ‘sexy’ look. Sexy wet look to match the bloody wet weather!
Yeah, it was drizzling at 7.40pm when we started our photoshoot, so we had our photos taken in the light rain. Stopped at about 4 locations, and by the time we’re done, my gown was drenched. My hair as well. Luckily my mascara was not ruined otherwise it’ll look like a break-up photoshoot instead of a wedding photoshoot.....
Me and Beary said to each other, "The photos better turn out great for this!!"
It was mine & even Beary’s first photoshoot in a studio thus we really don’t quite know what to expect. Beary told me that he went for a modelling casting before, so I expected him to be more prepared than me but it ended up the other way!
I actually felt kinda natural, surprisingly! Didn’t feel ‘frozen’ at any point of time as the photographer made me feel comfy. Plus I think it has a lot to do with the make-up and hair do! It was my 1st being pampered in terms of having someone to put on some make-up for me (my eye-bags dissapeared..), and straighten/curl/tie my hair without me telling her what style I’m looking for (I’m usually extremely unadventurous when it comes to hair-dos), and helped me wear my gowns (All I need to do was to stand straight..). I felt like a princess!
Beary on the other hand was kinda ‘stoney’. He was actually nervous and we had to retake so many shots at the beginning as the photographer said he looked fake. Poor Beary. So I had to calm him down and told him to relax a couple of times.
But when the photographer is out of sight, he somehow changed back to being goofy and corny. Beary Beary Beary. Sigh.
So after all the make-up, here’s the first shot of us together before the photoshoot:
And us again with me in another hair-do:
Here’s me in a Chinese traditional costume (I looked like chicks from the 19th century) :
And of course, Mr Vain-pot wants some make-up too!
It was actually fun posing naturally and smiling, listening to the photographer’s intructions such as ‘chin up’, ‘Hello, where’s ur teeth?’, ‘look demure’ etc. Thus I was having so much fun! And then the unfortunate part of the whole photoshoot came.
It was around 5pm, as soon as we got into the car to drive to Putrajaya for our outdoor shoots, it started to rain! The photographer told us not to worry, as it might not be raining in Putrajaya. However, the nearer we got, the heavier the rain was :(

When we reached Putrajaya, the rain subsided but unfortunately, the sky was pretty dark and gloomy so the photographer told us that we either just take the night shots and forgo the other outdoor shoots, or pay additional and do it the next day in the morning.
Thus after discussing it, we decided to wait for 1.5 hrs for the nite shots, and retake the other outdoor the next morning. I mean hey, since we’re already paying heaps for the package, what is another few dollars?
The waiting part was interesting. We went to a foodcourt area and drank ‘mamak’ tea, ate ‘roti canai’ (both Msian indian cuisine) to wait for nite time to come, where I was still in my wedding gown.........
I had a good chat with the photographer in cantonese, as his english wasn’t that good. So most of the time Beary was left in the dark. Well Beary, that’s your lesson for not learning cantonese! I guess he was also trying to ‘create a network’ to lure me to get their event photography package too? *grin*
So finally, 7.15pm came and the sky was close to dark. I went into the toilet and changed where the bridal consultant helped me to let my hair loose, to get the ‘sexy’ look. Sexy wet look to match the bloody wet weather!
Yeah, it was drizzling at 7.40pm when we started our photoshoot, so we had our photos taken in the light rain. Stopped at about 4 locations, and by the time we’re done, my gown was drenched. My hair as well. Luckily my mascara was not ruined otherwise it’ll look like a break-up photoshoot instead of a wedding photoshoot.....
Me and Beary said to each other, "The photos better turn out great for this!!"
12 days
I'm back!
12 days just flew by so quickly. Yeaps, Beary’s gone back to his home country.
I need a few days to adapt back to my tv/work/shopping lifestyle again!
The past 12 days have been really hectic - first few days while trying to juggle with quarter end working deadlines, and the past few days on back to back of to-dos.
Let me sum it up for you...
Day1 (Wednesday) - Beary arrived at 8.15pm - he was sick! Ate something bad the day before he left Aust (guys just don’t know how to take care of themselves . . . ) And he had diarrhea & fever when I picked him from the airport
Day 2 - Fever’s gone, but Beary still had dirrhea. I worked till late that day, thus only met up with him at nite at home. My parents took care of him for me :)
Day 3 - Beary STILL had diarrhea! And hence, not much appetite. He lost 3 Kgs since he touched down in KL :(
Brought him to the clinic and I became nurse Mandy the whole day. Was working from home while nursing him back to health.
Day 4 - Beary finally got better. No more diarrhea! But unfortunately his appetite was not there yet.. So I was eating off his plate most of the time - NOT GOOD! :/
We shopped for our wedding rings and managed to get a really nice pair of white gold rings that we both loved. It’s weird as it was the 1st shop we went into, and when we ‘looked’ around the other shops, it’s like nothing else could compare to that beautiful pair we saw. Thus after looking at 3 other shops, we went back to that 1st shop and bought it. The salesgirl was really friendly & has a good sales-speech! So it was overall a happy happy day. Oh, and we ate at this hidden dimsum place which is yummy!

Day 5 - We went for "Cheng-Meng" prayers. It’s a period where chinese pray to their ancestors who’s passed away. Similar to "All soul’s Day" for Catholics. We couldn’t do much after that as Beary felt sick again. Might have been gastric, am not sure but he basically vomitted after eating some hawker noodle for lunch at 2.30pm :(
Thus he had a good rest till 7pm, and we went to One Utama after that for me to get a manicure. My 1st manicure after all these years! Well.... I’ve never been quite a girly girl; never even gone for a facial before (I’m not lying....)!
Day 6 - Working day. Didn't get home till 10pm :(
Day 7 - Photoshoot day! I'll tell you more about it in my next blog post.. with pics pics and pics :)
12 days just flew by so quickly. Yeaps, Beary’s gone back to his home country.
I need a few days to adapt back to my tv/work/shopping lifestyle again!
The past 12 days have been really hectic - first few days while trying to juggle with quarter end working deadlines, and the past few days on back to back of to-dos.
Let me sum it up for you...
Day1 (Wednesday) - Beary arrived at 8.15pm - he was sick! Ate something bad the day before he left Aust (guys just don’t know how to take care of themselves . . . ) And he had diarrhea & fever when I picked him from the airport
Day 2 - Fever’s gone, but Beary still had dirrhea. I worked till late that day, thus only met up with him at nite at home. My parents took care of him for me :)
Day 3 - Beary STILL had diarrhea! And hence, not much appetite. He lost 3 Kgs since he touched down in KL :(
Brought him to the clinic and I became nurse Mandy the whole day. Was working from home while nursing him back to health.
Day 4 - Beary finally got better. No more diarrhea! But unfortunately his appetite was not there yet.. So I was eating off his plate most of the time - NOT GOOD! :/
We shopped for our wedding rings and managed to get a really nice pair of white gold rings that we both loved. It’s weird as it was the 1st shop we went into, and when we ‘looked’ around the other shops, it’s like nothing else could compare to that beautiful pair we saw. Thus after looking at 3 other shops, we went back to that 1st shop and bought it. The salesgirl was really friendly & has a good sales-speech! So it was overall a happy happy day. Oh, and we ate at this hidden dimsum place which is yummy!

Day 5 - We went for "Cheng-Meng" prayers. It’s a period where chinese pray to their ancestors who’s passed away. Similar to "All soul’s Day" for Catholics. We couldn’t do much after that as Beary felt sick again. Might have been gastric, am not sure but he basically vomitted after eating some hawker noodle for lunch at 2.30pm :(
Thus he had a good rest till 7pm, and we went to One Utama after that for me to get a manicure. My 1st manicure after all these years! Well.... I’ve never been quite a girly girl; never even gone for a facial before (I’m not lying....)!
Day 6 - Working day. Didn't get home till 10pm :(
Day 7 - Photoshoot day! I'll tell you more about it in my next blog post.. with pics pics and pics :)
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Busy Bee, That is me!
I know I know.. I haven't been bloggin for close to a week already. I can't help it, am so outrageously busy! Have got heaps to blog about, but haven't got the time to do it.
But one thing's for sure, have got pics pics and more pics!
Am such a teaser ey? *grin*
Alrighty, I'm going to bed now, till tmr.. nite nite! ZZzZzZz...
But one thing's for sure, have got pics pics and more pics!
Am such a teaser ey? *grin*
Alrighty, I'm going to bed now, till tmr.. nite nite! ZZzZzZz...
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