Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Congrats Zab & Joe Jer!

I was so depressed last friday about the visa application shitz that I forgot to blog about how happy I was for Zab & Joe Jer for winning the 1st Amazing Race Asia + also being the 1st all female team to win it in the whole Amazing Race prog WW!

Truthfully, I was rooting for Andrew And Syeon to win it. They were really competitive and I just like the 'fire' in them. But too bad for them getting lost and not being smart at the final race.. I mean come on, it's KUCHING MSIA, how could you trust the MAP?! *grin*
Any Msians would know that you can't trust our local maps and road signs.. hehe!

Anyhow, Zab & JoeJer was still my 2nd fav.. so I'm still happy :)

Perhaps I should join with Loli the next Amazing Race.. Hmm.. then again, I think we'll be fighting over who should do the roadblocks with adventurous/fun activities such as bungee, sky diving, 4WD etc as both of us LOVE stuffs like that... and we will probably get lost finding a place knowing Loli's sense of directions and me in giving her directions! hehehe... darn it. There goes our chance!

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