It has been an eating feast for the past few days.. eat eat eat everywhere I go, till I fell sick yesterday :(
Was on MC and am working from home today.
Anyway, the normal 101 questions that relatives will say when you're at a certain age:
CAT1 Age <17:> Wah.. so fast so tall! Prettier and prettier every yr!
CAT2 Age 17-21: So when will you be going overseas to study? How's cty xxx? Got boyfriend already or not?
CAT3 Age 21-married: So when are you getting married? This yr is the last year I'm giving you angpow ok?!
So of course, I fall into the 3rd category. And my frequent 101 answer this time round:
"I'm getting married in December, and since this yr's my last yr in receiving angpow, make sure it's a big big value one!"
hehe.. actually it's 1 of the best answer I gave as I've suffered previous years where I'll just go
Me: well, when the time is right, I'll let you know
Relatives: What are you waiting for? You're not getting any younger... blah blah blah...
Or those years when I jokingly said:
Me: Can't find any millionaire boyfriend la.. do you have any to recommend? *grin*
Relatives: hmm.. ya, actually uncle xx knows this guy, maybe you both should meet up!

There's also Cat4-married...
"When are you going to have children ah?"
I'm not at Cat4 yet, dat's why can't say anything 'common' about it.. haha :P
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