Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Don't Hassel the Hoff!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Primary School friend's wedding - Part 3 (PM)

*Lame/corny scenario:
- Camwhore Part 1 - In the car while waiting for Sheryl. Loli was pretending to be innocent as usual . . . .
Primary school friend's wedding - Part 2 (AM)
Wedding ceremony, AM
The groom & heng tais (chinese for groom's good friends/brothers) are getting so unsporting these days. They know that there is a time factor that eventually determines the nbr of 'games' that the chee muis (chinese for bride's good friends/sisters) will get them to do thus I've been to few weddings where they would purposely come late, or pretend that they are not interested to 'take' the bride. Sab's wedding was no exception in some ways. The groom and heng tais arrived not too late, but they actually took their time and 'attacked' the food prepared by the bride's parents instead of 'charging' in demanding to take the bride. When we eventually got the ball rolling, only 2-3 out of 9 of them actually actively participated! But I must say that 1 of them, KC the 'macho' contractor, did a good job in getting himself tormented :)
But to Loli & even my standard, the eating games were really easy-peasey. Nothing too difficult - the wasabi spread was not enough, the lime juice/vodka was only a shot glass, the bittergout juice had too much water. Plus we cut short some games coz they don't seemed to be able to do 1 of them correctly and wasted time. The heng tais should actually be thankful that Loli didn't plan it. If she did, we would have tubes of wasabi stuffed in banana, bird-eye chillis, vinegar, cyder and other really torturing food.
Hmm... No wonder my Beary's afraid of following this wedding culture!
I don't have any photos of the event that morning, but I have some which I took from 1 of the most torturous heng tai food-games I've ever been to:
-Raw egg into salad consist of smelly beans, celery and 'petai'
- This photo did not include the banana stuffed wasabi though! That's really da mother-of-all-food-games in my opinion!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Pigging out with my bestie
This is my 3rd time re-writing my blog entry as the error msg popped up twice when I clicked on 'publish blog'! Not sure if it has anything to do with the blog title or not (it's not "HALAL").. Hmm.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Primary school friend's wedding - Part 1
As some of you may know, chinese wedding's 1 of the most interesting ceremony (or those who experienced it would say it's kinda troublesome). It's not straight forward compared to western weddings as there's always an auspicious time to obey as chinese believes that it will bring them good luck & prosperity in their marriage life etc.
Anyway, I gotta go get ready... I'll be back tmr to blog about the wedding!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Customer satisfaction ratings = 0!
Thus she just replied and mentioned "My apologies once again. Trust me, it was not about maximising profit but a sincere miscommunication that occurred."
Err.. 'sincere miscommunication'... GEEZ!
Miscommunication after I've spoken to her 4 days before and emailed her 2 days before the wedding fair to tell her that I am interested to confirm then.
Well, I'm speechless! Can't be bothered already.. as long as they don't screw up anything else . . .
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Must the "BestMan" be single?
And today, he still insists on taking his married friend to be his bestman, as he was the bestman for that friend previously... So it's like an obligation... Out of his 5 close friends where 4/5 are SINGLE, he has to choose the married one!

Anyone has anything to say about this culture?
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Posing but trying to look 'natural'
These are taken in both 2005 and 2006 mainly.. Check it out:
#1 - I look weird

#2 - Somehow I look so un-natural doing that famous pose :(

#3 - Another 'poser' type.. I'm such a poser! "tak jadi"
#4 - That smile just gives me the creeps looking at it...

#5 - Need I say more? 'Over-posed' here trying to look natural!
Sigh.. Looking at the pics, I think my wedding photoshoot is going to be a real challenge. The photographer would probably keep repeating his sentence of asking me to TRY and look natural.. I might even end up not having any nice photos to choose for the album :(
Ups and Downs

Ok Mandy, Breathe in.... Breathe out.....
Think of beautiful thoughts.... Nature.... Sea breeze... JT... Ok, now I’m ready to blog about yesterday! :D
Well, it’s a long story actually and if I were to really type out word by word of the actual situation I would probably end up with a 4 page long essay! In summary, there were ups and downs yesterday.. Mixed feelings...
Was at the hotel’s wedding fair on Sunday along with Loli & my mum in the morning. My intention was really to try and negotiate some other stuffs and then pay my deposit as well, so that I don’t have to drag it for few more days since me and Beary have decided that we want to hold our wedding there.
Me and Loli were spotted by some camera guy from weddingsmalaysia and he asked us to ‘pose’ with the hotel’s GM holding their weddingsmalaysia book. Feels good to be a ‘model’ at this age? Ahha *grin*
Anyway, we have no idea whether our face will be out in the book’s next edition or newspaper for the event.....
Met the hotel’s wedding planner and after speaking to wedding planner for almost 20 mins, her mgr just came by and then told us that the date I wanted has been taken up ALTHOUGH they have offered me a letter to hold it until 26th Jan. She said that the couple already paid the deposit. Unbelievable right? I was really upset and angry at the same time. Thank God for my mum and Loli, coz if I was there myself or with Beary, we would have made a big fuss and at the end, leave and just forget about having our wedding there. In summary, I really think that they were trying to do something fishy to get a win-win situation on their side. Well, think again Honey - NEVER MESS with 3 powerful women! At the end of it, I think the wedding planner was innocent in some ways, and that it’s all her mgr’s plot to ‘try’ and make us do a lunch, or do it on a Sunday by giving 101 excuses. It’s really unbelievable. I was totally pissed off, really. I talked to Beary and he calmed me down and told me that if they really can’t ‘fixed’ the situation, just forget it and do it at our 2nd venue. Loli & my mum demanded that they tell us there and then (during their wedding fair with ppl around) and not wait for tmr, coz knowing if we wait, most likely they will not fix the situation.
After quite a long debate, wedding planner said she will call up that couple to tell them and fix the situation. So after her call, she came out and told us that we can take that date. In addition, she was willing to negotiate some stuffs that we talked about earlier. But I wasn’t in a mood to talk to her already so I just said ‘OK’.
My mood was ruined already. How could I work with her again in planning and getting stuffs done for my wedding? I have no respect left towards them in what they tried to do (we saw the amount paid, and calculating back, that couple had at least 12 tables more than us...) and I feel kinda shitty already about the place :(
Guess I have ‘time’ to forgive and forget now, and just plan my wedding well. I realised that that is 1 area that I’m really lacking as a person. I cannot fake nor control my emotions when I’m pissed at someone, and in the past, that resulted me in getting the lower end of everything - including police pull-overs for making illegal U-turn!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Lazy to Blog
I'll be back later tonight. Have got some stuffs to blog about my day yesterday. Really pissed off with the hotel's Senior Sales Exec & Wedding planner and how they dealt with the situation. Luckly I have my mum and Loli with me, otherwise I would just walk out of it and scrap the idea of having my wedding there!!
Sunday, January 21, 2007

And the funniest statement that dawg mentioned is that people compared him to Justin Timberlake/Lance/n-sync & backstreetboys etc.... Geez.... I'm totally speechless!
NO ONE, and I repeat, NO ONE COULD EVER REPLACE JT! He's the man!
Lazy Saturday
> Listen to music, eat, TV, listen to music, sleep, eat, TV, Blog!
Don't you just love lazy days at home? :)
I was talking to Beary this morning about our ‘plans’ and after we put down the phone, I put on my earplugs to my Ipod, selected my fav song and started day-dreaming. Day-dreaming is a good form of exercising your brains, really. That’s when all the fantastic ideas start kicking in and you just need to believe in it and start doing something about it.
Ok Ok, I know, you guys must be sick with me going on and on about this brain thingy but heck, I just completed the course yesterday! Told you to give me at least 6 more days to get this ‘mellowed’ down :)
Anyway, I’ve got some clues now on what I would like to do for the banquet walk-in. It’ll be really kewl IF I could get Beary to do it with me. Sometimes getting Beary to agree on something could be a real challenge for me coz both of us seemed to have ‘different tastes’ and are really stubborn. I don’t know if this has anything to do with zodiacs but I faced the same problem with my Ex previously who coincidently is of the same zodiac as him!
Let me demonstrate with some examples:
I love spicy food, Beary can’t take anything spicy at all . .
I love to dance, Beary has 2 left foot . . .
I love to sing, Beary err.. loves to sing too, but gives me a headache when he does (get it?)
Beary loves to buy fake/pirated stuffs, and I’m against it
I love to hug pillows, Beary just loves to hug me . .
Hmm wait, the last one sounds abit out of place *grin*
But I guess Jerry MacGuire’s famous quote would sum us up in some ways... I complete him! :P (haha!)
P/s: Ok Dude, you are right.. I am corny!!! Urggh!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Me? Corny?

I have just completed an "Effective thinking" course and geez, it's amazing what your brains could do if you care to exercise it! Seriously.
Did you know that we have 1000,000,000,000 brain cells but on average, a person only uses 1% of it? And that it DOESN'T DIE off bits by bits as and when you age? Thus when someone claims that "Oh, my memory is not as good as it used to be when I was younger" is solely because the brain cells are not exercised correctly!
DUDE - So there you go, this ain't corny at all ok! It's educational (just like my G-String blog!)!
I'll be back later tonight... till then.. asta la vista beh beh..
Thursday, January 18, 2007
The definition of Hen Night

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Creepy Horoscope
Crikey.. horoscope sometimes gives me the creeps!
I was driving to work this afternoon and 100 meters from my office carpark entrance, the hotel's wedding planner called me up to ask me if I'm OK with their letter of offer. Thus I was chatting with her and unknowingly pressed for a parking ticket instead of slotting my seasonal pass into the parking machine... I realised that I took a parking ticket 5 seconds later and decided to make a turn to the exit to avoid paying RM1 (charges for the 1st 2 hrs) and then re-enter with my seasonal pass. And yes, bingo, barrier wouldn't go up and the machine stated "Unpaid ticket - pls proceed to Autopay machine", even within 2 mins!
I was in a 'blur' mode, so I informed the security guard that I accidently took a parking ticket instead of slotting my seasonal pass and :
Guard: You need to pay the RM1 to exit, and then re-enter with your seasonal pass
Me: But I do have my seasonal pass, so can't you guys just void this and let me out?
Guard: Cannot...
Me: Why not?
Guard: You need to pay at the autopay machine to go out with the ticket
Me: *Getting darn frustrated as he did not quite answer my question* What?? Where's your boss? I want to speak to your boss!
So I got out of my car, walked to the office, and 1 pathetic guard was sitting in the booth and gave a "I-can't-make-any-decision-look". So I was explaining to him for 2 mins and all he said was "The person in charge is out for lunch at CenterPoint. If you want, please come back later".
I was kinda pissed, so decided to come back later to talk to the boss. Came up to my workstation, talked to my colleagues and they all looked at me and said "all this just for RM1?!"
And I explained that it's not the value, but more on the basis that I think it's ridiculous that they insist for me to pay whereas I made a mistake and that I DO have a valid seasonal pass.. And plus it was less than 2 mins! Don't they freaking let ppl out within like 5 mins or so from a parking area FOC?
So I spoke to a Real Estate personnel and she said the probability of me having to pay at the end of all the fuss is high... so I gave a long thought about it and at the end, gave up.
Went down, paid RM1, drove out and drove in again. This time WITH my seasonal pass.
I guess I've accepted it and am smiling about it now . . . *bloody horoscope* hehe!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
This is a girlie entry on Dresses :)
1. Long sleeveless princess look

2. Same princessey type of look but a slightly shorter version

3. Spagetti strap type - I really love the color and design of this one...

4. Typical flowergirl dress with flowers.. doh.. hehe

5. Ballerina-Short dress - this is soooooo cute!

And next for my bridesmaids, some simple but sweet design, appropriate for weddings (Sorry Loli, no super sexy designs here...)
1. Balloon skirt!

2. Lime green - I find this kinda elegent yet cute with the little ribbons near the shoulder

3. Halter-neck type - simple yet sweet

4. This is 1 of my fav actually . . there's just a 'bridesmaidy' feel in it.. don't ask me why.

But Loli would probably like this one -

heee heee! *faint*
P/S: I suddenly realised there's alot of GREEN in my blog . . I wonder why?
Monday, January 15, 2007
Did you know?
Origin of the term "G-String" from Wikipedia:
"The origin of the term "G-string" is obscure. The term is first attested in writings by Americans in the late 1800s regarding the loincloth of Philippine natives. Others attest it to being the g-string on an instrument. Another theory states that the American government at some time prohibited that "exotic" dancers were completely naked. To circumvent the prohibition, the sting was introduced and named "government string", which was shortened to "g-string". "

Sunday, January 14, 2007
It's a sign!
As usual, Loli was late. I think I need to buy her new alarm clockS coz she couldn't hear her handphone's tone at all.
Anyway, the 1st studio which we checked - the guy greeted us in mandarin.. none of us replied. Then he spoke in cantonese and asked who's the bride. I said "Me".. and he said something like "You're getting married to each other?" (he meant to crack a joke but tak jadi type) and gave the grin.
That's sign #1 that this studio don't quite suit me.
Then we browsed the photo albums.. and it's those taiwanese (where they can add in wings, stars etc in the pic) style which of course don't suit me (for a wedding shoot) at all. So... bye bye.
We walked further in and then saw the 'promising' studio we saw yesterday participating in the fair as well!
I told myself this morning (and also after talking to my fiance, Bii) that I will wait for their wedding fair before deciding which to take and what a coincidence, they were there!
Few signs actually:
1) Saw in mags before this on the gowns that caught my eye from this studio but have no idea where exactly was that studio
2) Was super congested yesterday and I got a parking right in front of that studio across the road, unknowingly
3) Them at the wedding fair today
Anyway, Loli was my super negotiator and advisor and at the end of it, I decided to stick to them. A superdupergood deal that the salesgal keep saying 'i salute you, i salute you!'.. and asked Loli what's her secret.. hehe..
Loli - you should consider changing ur career and join Mr SF. Then you can wear gordy diamond & jade necklaces and charge a bomb!
Studios, gowns and such
Was out with my cousin sis, Dude, (noon till 4ish) and my bestie, Loli, from noon till 10ish checking out wedding photo packages and geez, it's tiring!
We looked at 4 studios today where after the 2nd one, it all looks the same with exception the 3rd one where the 'end-result' customer pics were actually quite ugly. . . . I managed to try on some gowns in 1 of it (the most 'promising' one) and at the end of the day, I realised the following:
1) Majority of the gowns were mainly made for TALL chicks as most of them had heaps of extra cloth at the bottom (no, it's not the design for those . . ) x
2) One should not wear T-string while going for gown fitting . . . . x
3) "Body art" does not go well with backless wedding dresses at all! x
4) You need to have a good command of cantonese to negotiate for the best deals. THANK GOD I have Loli! Otherwise sure kena 'cheat' big time - Definitely cannot go with the kwai loh... no no no! x
5) Loli is silent when she doesn't like something and I'm hopeless in turning offers down on the spot . . . . instead I asked for some pathetic freebie (O_o)
Sigh.. what would I do without Loli? :P
Friday, January 12, 2007
Dog Wars
I woke up this morning not by my alarm but my dogs' barks. In fact, they (both of the monsters) have in fact adopted a new routine lately:
6am - As and when they hear my dad in the toilet (which is pretty close to their cages), Mika will start his 'let-me-out' bark. The other one, Cooper, will do his morning stretch with the 'stretching' sound.
6.45am - My dad will put them back to their cages where before that, he will be screaming 'Cooperr!!! IN!!!!!!!' and then hit the newspaper roll on the wall to threaten Cooper coz he's the naughty one always running away when my dad says the magic word. When they are in their respective cages, they will just look at my parents driving off the driveway... silently.
International Marriage = "Mah Fan"
"Mah fan" = Troublesome
Countries all over the world promotes 'Visit XXX year 2001/2002/2007' etc now and then. Yet when it comes to international marriage/partner visa, it's a helluva procedure!
Was just browsing through the aust immigration website, application forms and darn, it's just like having an end-to-end process audit in my company!!! I can just foresee the blood, sweat and tears from this :(
But luckly for me, I've got advice from some 'experienced' friends. I guess in summary, if we have money & time, it makes it all the easier. Pak Cik Jus has been really helpful (besides calling me 'babi' i.e... well, I have to admit his kindness otherwise he will stop feeding me with useful information & there goes my plans...) and I guess I just need to focus focus focus and start gathering documents that I need, and even making sure that I have no criminal records for the past 10 yrs here and in UK (since I was there for about 2 yrs).
Hmm.. dancing on a table in Footage & Firkin Manchester was not illegal right? Don't think so.. check.
Walking in a skimpy dress during winter in Manchester to a gay bar while having drunk-giggles is not illegal right? Don't think so.. check.
Kissing someone of the same sex is not illegal too right? Hmm... Don't think so.. check!
Ok, before anyone's imagination runs wild, that was me 10 yrs back. Young and naive :P
Been there, done that.
I am now a super-nice loyal sweet (but stubborn) chick where the only 'wild' thing I do is probably errrr.. let's see..... err.. geez, I don't think I have any!!!
I'm an angel!! Like what YY would say, I'm!
P/s: Thank You YODA BODA for the!
Now you're going to make me do nothing but get addicted to blogging!!! :P
The Force is Strong in this One

So here I am - starting a blog! Yoda's always the wise one, he can sense the 'strong force' in me.
So err.. May the force be with me.