Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Posing but trying to look 'natural'

I realised that I suck at 'posing' for natural shots... as in trying to act like it's a natural shot but it's not as the camera man/woman will count '1-2-3-click'!

These are taken in both 2005 and 2006 mainly.. Check it out:

#1 - I look weird

#2 - Somehow I look so un-natural doing that famous pose :(

#3 - Another 'poser' type.. I'm such a poser! "tak jadi"

#4 - That smile just gives me the creeps looking at it...

#5 - Need I say more? 'Over-posed' here trying to look natural!

Sigh.. Looking at the pics, I think my wedding photoshoot is going to be a real challenge. The photographer would probably keep repeating his sentence of asking me to TRY and look natural.. I might even end up not having any nice photos to choose for the album :(


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