Ok Mandy, Breathe in.... Breathe out.....
Think of beautiful thoughts.... Nature.... Sea breeze... JT... Ok, now I’m ready to blog about yesterday! :D
Well, it’s a long story actually and if I were to really type out word by word of the actual situation I would probably end up with a 4 page long essay! In summary, there were ups and downs yesterday.. Mixed feelings...
Was at the hotel’s wedding fair on Sunday along with Loli & my mum in the morning. My intention was really to try and negotiate some other stuffs and then pay my deposit as well, so that I don’t have to drag it for few more days since me and Beary have decided that we want to hold our wedding there.
Me and Loli were spotted by some camera guy from weddingsmalaysia and he asked us to ‘pose’ with the hotel’s GM holding their weddingsmalaysia book. Feels good to be a ‘model’ at this age? Ahha *grin*
Anyway, we have no idea whether our face will be out in the book’s next edition or newspaper for the event.....
Met the hotel’s wedding planner and after speaking to wedding planner for almost 20 mins, her mgr just came by and then told us that the date I wanted has been taken up ALTHOUGH they have offered me a letter to hold it until 26th Jan. She said that the couple already paid the deposit. Unbelievable right? I was really upset and angry at the same time. Thank God for my mum and Loli, coz if I was there myself or with Beary, we would have made a big fuss and at the end, leave and just forget about having our wedding there. In summary, I really think that they were trying to do something fishy to get a win-win situation on their side. Well, think again Honey - NEVER MESS with 3 powerful women! At the end of it, I think the wedding planner was innocent in some ways, and that it’s all her mgr’s plot to ‘try’ and make us do a lunch, or do it on a Sunday by giving 101 excuses. It’s really unbelievable. I was totally pissed off, really. I talked to Beary and he calmed me down and told me that if they really can’t ‘fixed’ the situation, just forget it and do it at our 2nd venue. Loli & my mum demanded that they tell us there and then (during their wedding fair with ppl around) and not wait for tmr, coz knowing if we wait, most likely they will not fix the situation.
After quite a long debate, wedding planner said she will call up that couple to tell them and fix the situation. So after her call, she came out and told us that we can take that date. In addition, she was willing to negotiate some stuffs that we talked about earlier. But I wasn’t in a mood to talk to her already so I just said ‘OK’.
My mood was ruined already. How could I work with her again in planning and getting stuffs done for my wedding? I have no respect left towards them in what they tried to do (we saw the amount paid, and calculating back, that couple had at least 12 tables more than us...) and I feel kinda shitty already about the place :(
Guess I have ‘time’ to forgive and forget now, and just plan my wedding well. I realised that that is 1 area that I’m really lacking as a person. I cannot fake nor control my emotions when I’m pissed at someone, and in the past, that resulted me in getting the lower end of everything - including police pull-overs for making illegal U-turn!
hey me evil duo half..
interesting blog..but wait..this is already my 2nd comment but the 1st one wouldn't come out! *damn!* so i have to retype again... *duh*
well i was saying gotta keep your cool girl..(although it's difficult) try eh... gotta look gorgeous and fabuloso for your wedding oh..
so where exactly is your wedding dinner and how many table u gonna have?
let me know if u need me help *blink* *hugz*
your evil half sook yee
Hello my evil half!!
I'll let you know separately + give you a list of stuffs that you need to do for me!! *grin*
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