Thursday, January 18, 2007

The definition of Hen Night

Was chatting with Yoda Boda today about choices of songs to play during the wedding but somehow the conversation diverted to HEN NIGHT thus I promised him to blog about why is it called a hen night. As most of you will know, traditionally hen nights are for females only.. no males are allowed during this event.

Definition from
HEN = the female of any bird, esp. of a gallinaceous bird
NIGHT = the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise

Ok, so why hen to describe the 'bachelorette' night? Why not Bitch night (Bitch = female dog, mind you!)? Why not tigress night?

I attended a mind-mapping class and according to researches, people tend to remember and able to associate better with pictorials/colors/symbols rather than letter characters.

Thus this will summarise my answer :

If you still don't get it, then err.. time for you to sign up for a "How to enhance the right side of my brains if I have any " class.

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