Wedding dinner, PM
We were kinda late for the dinner, arrived around 8pm thanks to our Ms friendster-network Sheryl. She was supposed to arrive at Loli's place at 6.15pm but only came about 7pm. Anyhow, the dinner started even later than normal i.e. around 8.45pm. Sheryl mentioned that I should really emphasize on my wedding banquet's punctuality but then again, if I do start on time i.e. 7.30pm, she would probably miss the 1st course! 

Anyhow, Loli sat next to some *lame heng tais we met in the morning.
*Lame/corny scenario:
*Lame/corny scenario:
Lame hengtai - Can I guess what Zodiac are you?
Loli - Sure
Lame hengtai - Are you a virgo?
Loli - Err.. NO! Guess again
Lame hengtai - Hmm.. then you must be a Pieces?
Loli - Nopes! (At this moment, she lifted her hands and did the counting action). You have 10 more guesses
Lame hengtai - (he started to guess another 8... and ALL were wrong and he can't remember the other 2 zodiacs thus gave up and changed the topic. And then out of the blue again....) Wait I know! You are an Aquarious!!!
Loli - (Looked amazed) err.. sorry, wrong!!! Tell you what, why don't you guess what zodiac Mandy is?
Lame hengtai - (looked at me) HmMmM.. You must be a cancer!
Me - hahahaa... NO la.. wrong! I think next time you better learn up your zodiac before asking chicks this question ...
Anyhow, here are some pics from the wedding dinner.. as usual, it's me and Loli camwhoring in most of the pics :)
- Camwhore Part 1 - In the car while waiting for Sheryl. Loli was pretending to be innocent as usual . . . .
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