1. Long sleeveless princess look

2. Same princessey type of look but a slightly shorter version

3. Spagetti strap type - I really love the color and design of this one...

4. Typical flowergirl dress with flowers.. doh.. hehe

5. Ballerina-Short dress - this is soooooo cute!

And next for my bridesmaids, some simple but sweet design, appropriate for weddings (Sorry Loli, no super sexy designs here...)
1. Balloon skirt!

2. Lime green - I find this kinda elegent yet cute with the little ribbons near the shoulder

3. Halter-neck type - simple yet sweet

4. This is 1 of my fav actually . . there's just a 'bridesmaidy' feel in it.. don't ask me why.

But Loli would probably like this one -

heee heee! *faint*
P/S: I suddenly realised there's alot of GREEN in my blog . . I wonder why?
Yoda is green. :)
Green, he is!
Hey Girl, Congrats!
Mandy is gettin married - *Hooray*
Yeah, what to do.. so old already! *grin*
Thanks Lai Lai!
You think I am what??? It CAN be kinda cold in the ballroom okie? ;p
By the way, how come all dresses also short one?
That length happen to be very difficult to carry off lah...
Either long or slightly above the knee lah...
But I like the big bow in your fav one lah!
I was thinking of knee length like dat as it'll look nicer in the venue that the wedding will be :)
Also easier to move.. coz bridesmaids need to 'take care' of the bride! (so the chances of tripping would be less.. hehe)
So..above the knee lah...! :D
yeah, since u're such a Lolita... :P
How's it going Mandy!
Just thought i better put in a comment for Australia !
Can't wait to see you again,You guys make a great couple fair dinkum, Crikey it's hot down here at the moment!It hit 43 degrees ,So Brad and I went for a swim and struth it was cold,the water was only 18 degrees,
Anyways better stop magging ya to death....LOL , all the best luv!
Wayne'O - Geez. Thank Goodness Brad gave me an 'aussie slang' dictionary (in notes form i.e.), otherwise I'll be lost in whatever comment that you just made! *lol* Anyway, I can't wait to see ya again too, so it's MANDATORY for you to attend our wedding here. I'm sure braddles' have told you about the date, so start planning! No excuses!
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